Unnecessary roughness, 15 yards for Trump

They call it "unnecessary roughness" in football.   
It usually draws a penalty and one of the teams gains 15 yards and an automatic first down.
Over in Colorado, where they get "Rocky Mountain High," the state Supreme Court has decided that there is no room on the election day ballot for President Trump. 
They relied on the insurrection clause of the 14th Amendment.   
Who knew that the Colorado justices still relied on documents written by old white guys?
Wait a minute. 
Has former President Trump been found guilty of participating in an insurrection?  Did Special Counsel Jack Smith charge him with that?  I don't think so.
Once again, we see people lose their common sense over a man named Trump.  Just vote against him if you hate him so much.
On the political arena, the referee just threw a yellow flag, screamed "unnecessary roughness" into the microphone and handed the Trump team 15 yards.
The bottom line is that former President Trump is closer to returning to the Oval Office than ever.   And the Democrats can blame themselves, or Trump Derangement Syndrome, for that.
You know that the Democrats are in trouble when Chris Christie and Robert Kennedy are on Trump's side.
I like this one from Charlie Hurt:
This has very little to do with ballot access in the general election. It has to do with barring Donald Trump from getting the Republican nomination. I thought his statement was pretty interesting where he said Democrat leaders have lost faith in Joe Biden. That's true. But Democrat leaders have also lost faith in democracy and that's what we're seeing in Colorado today.
Right on Mr. Hurt.  Maybe they are afraid of elections.
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