What a shock: Hispanics care about inflation

Another day, and more confirmation that Hispanics are more concerned about inflation (i.e., the economy) than just about anything else.  Let’s read on:

A recent voter survey conducted by the largest Latino nonprofit advocacy organization found that Hispanic Americans are most concerned about “inflation/rising cost of living,” “jobs and the economy,” health care costs.

The findings were from a November poll conducted by Democratic polling firm BSP Research, for UnidosUS and Mi Familia Vota, organizations which have spent years mobilizing Latinos to vote.

There is more:

It revealed that while Latinos also have concerns about several issues such as health care, crime, guns and immigration, those issues ranked lower as a priority than financial matters. The survey also found that housing affordability “have emerged as a new issue” with Arizona, California and Nevada “leading the way.”

Border security ranked relatively high as the sixth highest priority and education and public-school quality as seventh.

Hispanics ranked social issues as a lower priority. Abortion ranked only ninth, climate change ranked 12th, and “racial justice” ranked 13th.

When asked to name the top three issues of concern, 54% of Latinos named inflation and the increase in cost of living as their top priorities while 44% named jobs and the economy and 33% named health care.

It’s important to remember that this is a poll from “organizations which have spent years mobilizing Latinos to vote.”  Translation: Democrat activists!

My guess is that these organizations went out expecting to find out that Hispanics were furious with former president Trump or talking about immigration 24/7.  On the contrary, they discovered that Hispanics care about the same issues that everybody else cares about: the cost of food, shelter, and gasoline.

Where does this go politically?  Well, time will tell.  We do see that former president Trump is leading President Biden in the polls.  My suggestion to the Trump campaign is to talk about his economy versus Biden economics a lot.  I have a funny feeling that these voters would prefer that message.

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Image: pasja1000 via Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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