What was the biggest problem with Barack Obama’s candidacy?

Scott McKay’s new book, Racism, Revenge and Ruin: It’s All Obama, reminds the readers of the many problems that people had with 2008 presidential candidate Barack Obama.  Obama had sketchy close connections to criminal Bill Ayers and communist Frank Marshall Davis, who is likely Obama’s father.

Despite all the areas of Obama’s life that McKay covers, he missed the most important one.  Obama has been using a phony Connecticut social security number since his mid-20s.  As a state-licensed private investigator since 1993, I uncovered it in 2009 while doing a background on Obama at the request of a client.

The number he uses was issued on March 28, 1977 to someone born in 1890 in Connecticut.  Obama was then a fifteen-year-old student living in Hawaii. 

Social Security did not go into effect until 1936, and the numbers were issued to the address where people lived when they applied.  Each state was assigned a three-number combination to start the nine-number Social Security identification.  The lowest numbers were on the East Coast and increased going west.  When Hawaii became a state, it was assigned 575 and 576.  Obama’s starts with 042.  It is impossible that it is a valid number.  The use of it is also illegal.

Sec. 1107 [42 USC 1307] (b) Whoever, with the intent to elicit information as to the social security account number [emphasis added], date of birth, employment, wages, or benefits of any individual (1) falsely represents to the Commissioner of Social Security or the Secretary that he is such individual ... or (2) falsely represents to any person that he is an employee or agent of the United States, shall be deemed guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $10,000 for each recurrence of a violation or by imprisonment not exceeding 5 years or both.

How could someone born in 1890 be issued a number in 1977?  It was common for women, who were homemakers, to use their husbands’ numbers.  When their husbands died, they needed one of their own to benefit from government services.

As I continued my investigation into Obama’s questionable background, I obtained enough proof to include 83 pages of supporting documents along with the 18-page Complaint I filed in July 2012 against the Ohio secretary of state, Jon Husted, to keep Obama off our ballot.  I have included all this information in my book The Rubbish Hauler’s Wife versus Barack Obama.

Among the many documents is a page from Obama's 2009 tax filing that has the Connecticut number on it as his Social Security number.

Of the almost 400 lawsuits filed against Barack Obama regarding his eligibility as president, mine was the only one that was about his Social Security number.  Mine was also the only one that was not dismissed on “standing.”  I applied for and was certified (by the secretary of state) as a 2012 write-in candidate for president before I filed the lawsuit — which gave me “standing." 

No one from the sec. of state’s office showed up for the court hearing in September 2012, and three days later, the judge filed a dismissal.  It said, in part: “Plaintiff somehow equates use of an improper Social Security number as a disqualifying event...”

Susan Daniels has been a licensed private investigator in OH for thirty years.  Her contact information is at susandanielspi.com.  Her book is available at Amazon.com.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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