With saber-rattling down in Venezuela, who really benefits?

I’d like to think that what we write in these posts might actually matter. Perhaps wishful thinking, but perhaps not. In this case, I’d like to think that dragging a developing situation into full daylight might do something to prevent its fruition.

No one would deny that the world is a much more dangerous place than it was even five years ago. Ukraine, Gaza, and more have made us look to our children and grandchildren and just wonder. And the unaddressed (and even stoked) violence within the U.S. itself (ANTIFA, BLM, Chicago, Philadelphia, etc.) gives us even more pause.

Again, on the global scene, wars appear to be breaking out like wildfires. One wonders where the next will start. I’d like to direct readers’ attention to one place in particular: The unlikely north coast of South America and the tiny country of Guyana. Guyana’s much bigger neighbor, Venezuela, just held an unusual (bizarre) national vote to ask its people if it should invade its Lilliputian neighbor and make off with its oil reserves. Wait, you say. Doesn’t Venezuela have bigger reserves of its own? All true, but that didn’t stop Iraq from invading Kuwait, now did it?

But still…

The ancient Romans had it right. Cui Bono? Who benefits? Well, certainly, Venezuela would benefit, but if you’re the communist thug, Nicolás Maduro, why mess with a good thing? With things just as they are, he could come out with his own line of Life Is Good tee shirts. He just signed a nice fat deal with Team Obama—I mean Biden—to sell his oil to the oil-rich USA. So why invade little Guyana? Why indeed? Cui Bono?

Image (edited) by freepik.

Team Biden would certainly benefit. This gives them a beautiful opportunity to look tough (and sentient) in an election year (and oh, what an election year), by—by golly—stopping that tin pot dictator Maduro in his tracks by sending U.S. Marines and sailors down south and keeping those contributions rolling into Wounded Warriors. As we saw in Wag the Dog, nothing pulls in votes quite like a manageable war. I know that Hollywood’s Wag the Dog thesis was intended to malign Republican Conservative autocrats, but hey, what can you do? Team Biden is in trouble.

The problem with the “nice little war” scenario is that it might not be little, and it definitely won’t be nice. If the U.S. does take on Venezuela, are we left to assume that Maduro’s compadres (Cuba, Nicaragua, and a few other Leftist “democracies” down there) stay idle? Mexico, anyone? We tend to reflexively think of the Mideast when we say “spiral out of control,” but escalation knows no boundaries.

In other words, even Biden can’t rely on benefitting from a war in Latin America.

And this brings me back to my original question: Cui Bono? Think hard here. Especially if you’re a Leftist troll populating our fine website and have accumulated lots of amyloid plaque from CNN/NPR overindulgence.

There is one supreme “Cui” in all this. Not CNN, but CCP !! Yes, the People’s Republic of China would very much like to see the U.S. tied down in a Western Hemisphere firestorm as it embarks on its long-awaited reunification-by-force of Taiwan.

Now, ask yourself if the folks who couldn’t manage the Afghan withdrawal can really deal with wars in four separate locations. (Hint: In WWII, with an amazingly gifted cast of characters, we barely managed two.)

So, watch developments south of the border very carefully. 2024 is coming up fast, and with it may come Barack’s long-awaited Transformation of America. And what better way to usher it in than with a really new New World Order?

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