A devastating campaign ad against Joe Biden

On his first day in office, Joe Biden signed a so-called proclamation canceling Trump’s border wall projects on America’s southern border. The funding for the project was already in place and the materials had already been purchased.

That proclamation signaled to the world that, far from performing his sworn duty to secure our borders, Biden would ensure that America’s border would be thrown wide-open. Since that day, Biden has illegally “paroled” an unprecedented six to ten million foreign nationals into the U.S.

Rather than enforcing our laws and defending our border, Biden has turned our Border Patrol into an illegal migrant intake operation. Mexican cartels have predictably seized on Biden’s dereliction to traffic millions of humans, deadly drugs, and criminal gang members into the U.S. with documented catastrophic and deadly results.

Last Tuesday, Biden’s nominee for undersecretary of the Air Force, Melissa G. Dalton, testified before the Senate’s Armed Services Committee. In her prior role as the Pentagon's top homeland security official, Dalton had directed the liquidation of Trump’s border wall materials. 

To her credit, Ms. Dalton testified truthfully about this infuriating fiasco and her tale perfectly illustrates Biden’s criminal negligence and rank incompetence. Her testimony should be prominently featured in campaign ads against Biden’s ‘reelection’.

Rather than proceeding with the manifestly needed border wall construction, Biden’s proclamation resulted in paying hundreds of millions in liquidated damages to contractors and $130,000 a day to store the already purchased construction materials.

When Congress began drafting legislation to force Biden to use the materials, the Defense Department surreptitiously began auctioning off the rusting wall segments at 3 cents on the dollar. The steel bollards’ value as scrap metal would have been much higher.

Although you would never know it if you got your news from the legacy media, Biden is now sending his Department of Homeland Security to destroy border barriers installed by the State of Texas.

This story could be told in a 60-second ad and should be the centerpiece of Trump’s reelection campaign. Narrated over scenes of the massive invasion at our border, it would perfectly illustrate Biden’s incompetence and utter contempt for America.

Jim Daws is long-time America First activist beginning with work on Pat Buchanan's presidential campaigns. He's a writer, itinerant talk radio / podcast host and a former fire battalion chief from Atlanta.

Image from YouTube.

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