All Republicans have to know about the leftist media

All Republicans need to know is that the last time NYT endorsed a Republican for president, it was Eisenhower in the 1950s.  The WaPo has never endorsed a Republican for President. 

Republicans, the New York Times’ Editorial Board Says You Have a ‘Responsibility’ to Vote How They Want

And it really doesn't matter who the Democrat is.  He can be as corrupt as Hillary and Biden, and they will endorse them.  They also don't care how much any Democrat abuses his power.  The Constitution and separation of powers are not important to them. 

They also don't care if Democrats support violent riots when their chosen one doesn't win elections.

They don't care if Biden doesn't enforce immigration laws that he is required to enforce. 

And they don't care how many wars start under Democrat presidents. 

Results don't matter.  The truth doesn't matter about the climate, COVID, or anything else. 

All that matters to most of the media and other Democrats as they campaign for them is power over the American people.  They love it when people are dependent on the government instead of giving the power, freedom, and money to the people, as Trump did and will do. 

So the best thing the Republicans can do when they decide whom to vote for is to ignore or vote the opposite of what the Democrat campaign workers, posing as journalists, tell them to do.  They are willing to destroy the United States, and they really don't care about the poor, the middle class, science, small businesses, or minorities, no matter how much they pretend to. 

They showed how little they cared about children when they caved to whatever the teachers’ unions wanted on COVID.  They lied continuously.  The damage to children was immeasurable. 

Here is an example of how little Democrats care about freedom and the little guy.  They want to control us on everything. 

New Restrictions on Independent Contractors Could Destroy Gig Work

But a new rule just issued by the Biden Administration will essentially ban independent contractor status for gig workers under the Fair Labor Standards Act. It will threaten a crucial source of livelihood for millions by putting these jobs at risk. For example, a recent study projected that this sort of policy would result in more than 73,000 lost app-based jobs in Massachusetts alone.

In the wake of successful wage negotiations by the United Auto Workers and other unions, the Biden Administration thinks these workers would be better off if they are converted to full-time employees who are eligible for union membership and traditional employee benefits. But that would destroy the flexibility and independence these workers value most.

A far better solution would be to allow companies to extend benefits to gig workers without making them employees and taking away their autonomy.

The choice for president becomes easier every day.  Trump's policies were successful and popular, both domestic and foreign policies.  Biden is a disaster. 

When the NYT and WaPo inevitably support Biden, they will not support many of his policies.  Instead, they will seek to scare the public about Trump or the climate or something else.  Facts haven't mattered for a long time to the complicit media. 

Image: Daniel X. O'Neil via Flickr, CC BY 2.0.

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