Anti-Intellectualism and the Left

The smug superiority of many on the progressive Left never ceases to amaze me. They regard Republicans, especially of the MAGA variety, as knuckle-dragging cave people with diminished intellectual abilities while they are really the one’s with contracted brain function. Every societal issue, such as unfettered illegal immigration, record unchecked spending, and disastrous U.S. foreign policy, involves proof of how the Left is incapable of higher than the most rudimentary thinking. What do they think will result from the millions of military-age men of questionable intentions crossing into our country? How much more money will be taken from ordinary Americans to pay for the policies of this administration and how will the relentless, out-of-control spending binge affect the value of our currency? How has this administration kept America or her allies safe? Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees. The Left, I’m convinced, does not possess even the tiniest vestige of critical or any other kind of thinking. (Marxists, of course, are happy with chaos of any kind, as long as it complies with their vile, nihilistic instincts.)

The faux preeminence of the Left has been thoroughly exposed with the Harvard debacle. The once venerated institution has been laid low by DEI. Claudine Gay, privileged DEI benefactor, showed her cards. Her bad hand included true racism toward the Jewish population and intellectual malfeasance, also known as plagiarism. While some Left leaners have diverged from the toxic rhetoric of DEI, many would surely give Gay back the reins of power if given the chance. The inability to see through bigotry dressed up as tolerance demonstrates once again a severe lack of frontal lobe capacity.

The coming year promises to be the pinnacle of exposure to the leftist brain drain. The first gloomy reinforcement to this unfortunate predicament will be their fervent reaction to Biden’s idiotic screed regarding White supremacy. After that, we will surely be battered by utter nonsense regarding threats to our democracy. Sheer torture can be defined as constant exposure to lies and stupidity foisted by zealots committed to false narratives.

One thing is for sure: the inability of the progressive Left to steer away from the anti-intellectualism of their hive toward reflective, reasonable, and independent thought negates any truth to their presumption of mental superiority.

Image: Ted Eytan

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