Bit by bit, the depths of Harvard’s antisemitism are on display

Jews have always been obsessed with Harvard. When I grew up, there was no prouder boast a Jewish parent could make than to say that his son or daughter was Harvard-bound or a Harvard grad. This was always a bit strange, considering Harvard’s historic dislike for Jews. Harvard had quotas on Jews from the 1920s through the 1960s. That passive “Live and let live but don’t live near me policy” was bad enough and should have encouraged Jews to sneer at Harvard, but it’s nothing compared to what Harvard is doing now, which is to ally itself with people who actively call for Jewish genocide.

We started to get an inkling of the toxic mindset at Harvard when pro-Hamas protests swept the campus after Hamas terrorists raped, tortured, and slaughtered over 1,400 Israelis (both Jews and Arabs). It became more apparent when Claudine Gay carefully explained that calling for Jewish genocide (that is, the indiscriminate slaughter of all Jews because of their race) didn’t violate Harvard speech codes because dimwitted conservatives didn’t appreciate the nuances of “context.” Context apparently ends only when Jews actually die.

It turns out, though, that antisemitism at Harvard is worse than being threatened with the gas chamber. Six students filed a lawsuit on Wednesday alleging that Harvard is a hotbed of aggressive and dangerous antisemitism and that the administration has done nothing to stop it:

The students in the lawsuit said Harvard disciplines students and faculty members showing bias against other minority groups but fails to punish anti-Jewish behavior.

They said students have been attacked on social media and ostracized by their non-Jewish peers. Jewish students don’t feel comfortable expressing their support for Israel at school, according to the lawsuit.

Several of the students in the lawsuit said Harvard administrators didn’t act on their complaints about the antisemitic environment. Two students who are “visibly Jewish based on their religious clothing” were often stopped and targeted in a campus lounge, the lawsuit said.

“These students have had to spend their time at Harvard fearing for their physical safety, enduring anti-Jewish abuse and harassment, and communicating with Harvard administrators over antisemitism that Harvard is doing nothing to stop,” the lawsuit said.

Of course, that’s only six students. Perhaps they’re just unusually sensitive. Or perhaps Harvard is a disgusting cesspool with an administration that eagerly embraces the vile rapists, torturers, and murderers collected in Gaza and the West Bank. The story of Harvard’s decision to enter into an exchange program with Hamas U inclines me to the latter version:

Harvard University will host a summer program where students will be briefed on “settler colonialism” at a Palestinian university that called for “glory to martyrs” after the October 7 terrorist massacre in Israel and has a student body that overwhelmingly elected a Hamas-affiliated bloc to run its student government.

The embattled Ivy League institution’s “Palestine Social Medicine Course” will send Harvard students to Birzeit University in the West Bank, according to the program’s website. It explains that the “three-week intensive summer course is designed to introduce students to the social, structural, political, and historical aspects that determine Palestinian health beyond the biological basis of disease.” 

One would easily rewrite that to say that Harvard University will host a summer program where students will be briefed on “Jewish imperialism” at a Nazi university that called for the expansion of death camps and has a student body that overwhelmingly elected a Hitler-affiliated group to run its student government. Yes, it’s that bad, and I make no apologies for my reductio ad Hitlerum. Not all dictators are Hitler, but all antisemitic genocidal tyrannies…well, the comparisons write themselves.

The once great (albeit passively racist and antisemitic) institution that was Harvard has fallen so far, so fast, that it simply needs to be put out of its misery. Congress needs to start taxing that disgraceful endowment, and people need to start putting pressure on Harvard to live up to its land and slavery apologies by turning over the buildings and land in their entirety to Native Americans and the descendants of slaves. Finito. Kaput. America will be better off without that fetid Marxist toilet endlessly churning out corporate managers, K-12 educators, slimy, unprincipled lawyers, and political operatives.

Image: Harvard Yard by Sdkb (edited). CC BY-SA 4.0.

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