Can the left peacefully coexist with us?

The Biden administration is tearing down any obstructions to the illegal invasion.  The flood is overwhelming shelters and hospitals while the left is falling all over itself to offer taxpayer-funded freebies to encourage even more to come in.  And on top of it all, the law states that the National Voter Registration Act prevents every state from requiring people to prove that they are U.S. citizens to vote.  It should be obvious by now that the fascist far left will do anything to stay in power, while it accuses the pro-freedom right of planning to do anything to stay in power.

How do you peacefully coexist with people perfectly willing to lie and violate the law to stay in power?

A few years ago, Tucker Carlson observed three rules about the left that ominously indicate where we are going.

The first is that leftists have figured out that the best way to control people is through “public/private” partnerships, where “woke” corporations are regulated to do the work of the government.  This is the collectivist ideology of fascism, defined as socialism with a capitalist veneer.   

Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society’s economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners. Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly, by requiring owners to use their property in the “national interest” — that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it.

The second is that the left is extremely projective — what Carlson called the “Rosetta Stone for their behavior.”  He figured it out when Antifa was running around dressed the same as Mussolini’s Blackshirts, armed with iron bars and black masks, calling other people fascist. 

Then his third — and most ominous — point is that leftists aren’t interested in peaceful coexistence

He voiced what is probably common for the freedom community: his optimistic viewpoint that he doesn’t want to believe this, and he hopes he’s wrong on this score.  He pointed out that it would never occur to him to try to control other people. 

Most of us intuitively knew all of this already and that things have gotten far worse over the past few years.  Authoritarians are using social media corporations to suppress free speech in conjunction with the government.  They’re trying to get the credit card companies to flag ammunition purchases and other subversive activities.  While they are persecuting their political enemies and dictating policy without the proper procedures from the people’s representatives, they accuse President Trump of wanting to persecute political enemies and dictate policy. 

Meanwhile, as Mr. Carlson noted as a thought experiment in his speech, the odds are that conservatives in Alabama are supremely uninterested in what people are doing “in the sack” in New York.  You know that leftists in Brooklyn cannot stand the idea of anyone not knuckling under to their insane ideology in the rural South.

This idea was perfectly encapsulated by a quote from Robert A. Heinlein:

The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.

The authoritarians of the far left fall into that first category, while the rest of us fall into the second.  We don’t care about controlling others, and we don’t think about it, or plan on schemes to achieve it. 

You should also note that these three rules are mutually supportive.  Leftists look bad going all authoritarian on society, but they throw suspicion off themselves by accusing others of what they are doing.  Their number-one accusation is calling the pro-freedom community fascist — it doesn’t make any sense, but they try to repeat it often enough to drown out the truth. 

So the authoritarians incessantly project their control obsessions — with the notable exception of gun control — on the pro-freedom right.  They constantly think about how they can control our actions, from what we say to what kind of car we can drive and what we can eat.  But somehow, some way, we’re one step away from “autocracy” with the re-election of President Trump.  

We are in a struggle with people who want power and are willing to use any means to take it.  The purpose of the deliberate policy of ripping open the border to an illegal invasion should be entirely obvious to everyone by now.  Bring in millions of “undocumented Democrats,” disperse them to every state, get them registered, and buy their votes with our money so there’s no reason for them to listen to the taxpayers. 

So how do you peacefully coexist with people willing to do anything to seize and hold power, beginning with their never-ending lies that we’re somehow doing what they’re doing? 

How do you peacefully coexist with people willing to violate our founding documents daily?

How do you peacefully coexist with people willing to let thousands die from fentanyl overdoses

How do you peacefully coexist with people willing to let in terrorists and criminal cartels, just so they can keep the border open to anyone and anything?  

How do you peacefully coexist with people like that?

D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites.  Find him on Substack.

Image: tomaszmichalkania via Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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