Donald Trump: a dictatorship Americans can support

We are told by such luminaries as Eric Holder, who ensured Mexican drug cartels were fully armed, at least one of those weapons being used to murder a Border Patrol officer, Donald Trump will be a dictator who will destroy “our democracy.” By “our democracy” Democrats/socialist/communists (D/s/cs) mean eternal one party rule, a tyranny of the majority.

Full disclosure: I vote in Republican primaries but I’m a constitutionalist. I vote for whoever will do the least damage to the Constitution, which these days invariably means Republicans. I’d rather someone other than Donald Trump win the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, someone with his policies and love for America, someone who will put America and Americans first, but it’s almost certainly going to be Trump, so he’ll get my vote. I’d vote for a Republican ham sandwich on the general theory it would do far less damage than any D/s/c.

Graphic: White House, public domain

Will Trump be a dictator if reelected? Anyone who was alive and paying attention during his first term knows that’s nonsense. The invaluable Victor Davis Hanson explains:

It seems hard to accuse Trump of being a dangerous demagogue when his four years saw effective government action on the economy, foreign policy, energy, and crime.

Afterall, was the Trump Middle-East Policy (e.g., branding Houthis as terrorists, the Abraham Accords, moving the embassy to Jerusalem, a non-negotiable Israeli Golan Heights, cutting off aid to Hamas, junking the Iran deal, slapping sanctions on Iranian oil, eliminating Soleimani, etc.) or Biden’s antithesis (sending money to Hamas, lifting sanctions on Iran, begging to reenter the Iran Deal, freeing the Houthis from their terrorist classification, cutting back on oil production, maligning/then courting Saudi Arabia, distancing from Israel, etc.) the more beneficial to the U.S. and the Middle East at large?

Two, who exactly has weaponized the government in dictatorial fashion?

Who by fiat pandered illegally to cancel student loans before a midterm, or suddenly drained the strategic petroleum reserve to lower gas prices before an election?

What do former FBI directors, former “intelligence authorities.” and the former Directors of National Intelligence and the CIA all have in common? They lied, often under oath, and always in service of weaponizing the government for political agendas.

Who hired a foreign national Christopher Steele to concoct a silly file of lies to destroy a political rival? Why did the FBI sequester the Hunter laptop for a year? Who subcontracted out Twitter for $3 million to suppress information deemed harmful to the Biden campaign? Who squashed an IRS investigation of the Biden family?

As we now know, even the FBI has admitted in court filings they knew Hunter Biden’s laptop was the real thing from the beginning. 

Who called up a former CIA director to round up 51 intelligence retirees to lie to sabotage an election? Did not the current national security advisor Jake Sullivan try to concoct the Alfa Bank ping ruse to destroy the Trump campaign and administration?

It was current, feckless, Secretary of State Antony Blinken who was behind the 51 liars.

When a former Pentagon lawyer and military officers called for a military coup to remove Trump, for which political agenda were they working?

They were working for “our democracy,” certainly not our representative, constitutional republic.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley despised Donald Trump to such an extent that he called his Chinese communist counterpart to advise him that he, Milley himself, would not follow a Trump order, should he deem it too dangerous, without warning the Chinese in advance. Milley faced no repercussions.

Nor did Trump fire immediately Comey when many called on him to go, given Comey’s effort to use the FBI in the 2016 election to undermine the Trump campaign and sabotage a FISA court.

Why did retired generals and admirals with impunity violate Article 88 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice by smearing their Command-in-Chief as a liar, Mussolini, Hitler-like, and deserving of early removal? Were any even reminded that they were in violation of statutes? Is it a dangerous thing for the U.S. military to attack their civilian overseers and in private to negotiate with the communist Chinese military?

Trump terrifies D/s/cs and the Self Imagined Elite (SIE). There is much overlap between them in Kamala Harris, Venn Diagram, fashion. Their warnings of a Trump dictatorship are not only classic projection, but evidence of terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome. They fear he’ll do what they’ve done: prosecute his political enemies.

They’re right. He will, but unlike them, he’ll do it legally. That’s what really worries them; they know there is more than enough legally obtainable evidence to put them away. They also know they’ll be afforded full due process, and no race card or DEI privilege will help them.

That’s the kind of "dictatorship" Americans can support.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor. 

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