Don't cry for me, Jonathan

It's amazing what makes some people cry.  I have not seen a liberal journalist cry over Black on Black crime in Chicago every weekend or fatherlessness in the inner cities or Democrats denying the 2016, 2004 or 2000 elections.  I guess that's why they say that crocodile tears are expressions of sorrow that are insincere.

Very recently, Jonathan Capehart showed some emotion on MSNBC:

An MSNBC show took a bizarre turn when host Jonathan Capehart whipped out the Kleenex and started crying while reflecting on the memory of the January 6 riots live on air. 

The emotional episode unfolded while Capeheart was in the midst of promoting former DC police officer Michael Fanone's book on the three-year anniversary of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

As the TV host introduced Fanone at the start of the live show, he became visibly emotional, pulling out tissues to wipe away tears before the interview even began. 

Yes, talking about the "insurrection" will bring a tear or two.  Wonder if Jonathan has ever interviewed the business owners, many African Americans, who saw their premises go up in some or destroyed in the Antifa/BLM riots a year earlier?  Or the police officers who were hurt or shot that summer of peaceful dissent?   Of course, that was not an insurrection, or so they say. 

MSNBC was the perfect venue for something like this and Capehart was the right character in this act  that we will call "the tears of a clown".   

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Image: Anna Shvets, Pexels

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