Edison, NJ narrowly averts a health and security risk

That illegal immigrants are the best of us is an article of faith among the Self-Imagined Elite (SIE). The more the merrier, the more diverse, inclusive and equitable, until, that is, those devious Texans and Floridians began sending them to sanctuary cities and less formally and obnoxiously declared sanctuary—blue—states. Who can forget the heart-warming visit of a handful of “undocumented” migrants to Martha’s Vineyard? The memory of Vineyard residents so kindly welcoming them to immediately go somewhere else will remain with me always.

The SIE, morally and intellectually superior beings all, know the only places in America with the resources, knowledge and experience necessary to absorb the deluge of illegals are small, Texas border towns. How can that kind of financial and intellectual sacrifice be demanded of places like New York City and Chicago? Surely, they’ve sacrificed enough just being beacons of good governance and mostly peace? Altruism, after all, has its limits.

Our SIE also know the undocumented pose no security or health threat whatsoever, except, apparently, in New Jersey:

Image: Greyhound Bus At Everett Station. Wikimedia Commons.org.

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While speaking to New York ABC affiliate WABC on Monday, Edison, New Jersey Mayor Sam Joshi (D) stated that he turned a bus full of migrants sent to the city back because local police “did not know if any of those 40 individuals were carrying weapons, they couldn’t be identified.” And this is “a major security risk. It’s a health risk. And we’re just not going to tolerate that.” Joshi, who plans to send migrants back to the border, also stated that he doesn’t want to pawn problems off on other mayors.

Mirable dictu (wonderful to tell)! America owes Mayor Joshi a debt of gratitude. Who could possibly have imagined people who were not vetted at the border, whose identities were not verified because they’re unverifiable, and who were not screened for communicable diseases could pose a security or health risk? This is the kind of Gavin Newsom-like political acumen that could vault Mayor Joshi to the Democrat/socialist/communist (D/s/c) Party presidential nomination should anything happen to Joe Biden. That he is actually pawning the problem off on other mayors—probably some in Texas—will be seen by his party as an indicator of boundless political potential.

It has long been policy to deprive blue state police of the entirely constitutional power to frisk potentially dangerous people for weapons, and Mayor Joshi deserves credit for being consistent in this, if little else. Clearly, searching people seeking the full, gratis, support of Edison, NJ would be a political bridge too far. So too would using the medical resources of the community to screen or treat those whose mere presence can only immeasurably improve Edison or any other sanctuary-minded, uh, sanctuary.

For the very temporary, undocumented semi-residents of Edison, NJ, it’s back to the drawing board: Texas, most likely.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor and retired police officer and high school and college English teacher.  His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor.  

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