Facts don’t care about feelings, but Democrats don’t care about facts

The southern border in the United States is the place that causes half of all migrant deaths in the world, yet most of the media rarely even mention deaths at the border; remember this September report?

A report from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) found that the U.S.-Mexico border was “the deadliest land route for migrants worldwide on record’ in 2022. IOM’s Missing Migrant Project, which maintains a large database of worldwide migrant deaths, counted 1,457 deaths hemisphere-wide last year, of which 686 occurred on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border.

As the organization acknowledges, this is an undercount. On the U.S. side alone, ‘In FY [fiscal year] 2022, more than 890 migrants died attempting to enter the United States between ports of entry across the SWB….’

The 890 figure, too, is an undercount, as regional humanitarian groups along the border find a higher count of migrant remains than Border Patrol does in the regions that they cover.

The Biden administration could prevent most of these deaths by enforcing immigration laws, but they don’t care; they are more interested in admitting people into the U.S. as fast as they can instead of doing their job. The vicious Mexican cartels are thriving in this lawless environment.

And, when the media and other Democrats believe they can blame these deaths on a Republican (like Governor Abbott) or anyone else attempting to enforce a border and follow the laws in place, they are anxious to report the story; see below, from CNN:

2 children and a woman drowned in the Rio Grande, authorities say, days after Texas blocked the feds amid migrant crisis

Three migrants, a woman and two children, drowned in the Rio Grande in Eagle Pass, Texas – very recently the epicenter of the migrant crisis – just days after state authorities blocked the US Border Patrol from accessing miles of the US-Mexico border in that area, officials said.

‘This is a tragedy, and the State bears responsibility,’ US Rep. Henry Cuellar, a Democrat from Texas, said on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Only deaths that fit the agenda matter.

Most mass shootings are properly reported in the U.S., and the media and other Democrats use the shootings as ammo to further infringe on Americans’ right to self-defense. But, annual deaths at the southern border are as high or higher than the total number of people killed in mass shootings, and yet most of the media shows little interest. From a report by ABC News in December:

There have been more than 632 mass shootings in 2023 so far, which is defined by the Gun Violence Archive as an incident in which four or more victims are shot or killed. These mass shootings have led to 597 deaths [emphasis added] and 2,380 injuries.

Why don’t the Democrats tell the Biden administration to enforce the border laws, which actually fall under the purview of the executive branch, to prevent many of these migrant deaths? Well, because they don’t actually care.

A lot fewer people died in climate-related disasters in the U.S. than die at the southern border, yet they still call “climate change” an existential threat to our survival and seek to destroy entire industries that directly and indirectly employ tens of thousands, and which have sustained millions of lives over the last 160 years. According to federal bureaucrats at the Department of Commerce:

2023 was also deadly, causing at least 492 direct or indirect fatalities—the 8th most [climate] disaster-related fatalities for the contiguous U.S. since 1980.

They pretend they can save these lives by making us drive electric cars that don’t work in the cold, while they won’t even enforce the border laws to save lives.

Here is a sample of how the media is willing to intentionally spread lies to push the Democrat agenda:

Democrats have wanted more illegals to come in so that, when they got the opportunity to spread lies about border agents being racists, media members enthusiastically complied. They falsely told the public that agents were whipping Haitians. The truth was irrelevant, and the media didn’t care that they destroyed agents’ lives and reputations without facts. From a congressional report:

Photographs from the incident were misinterpreted by commentators, reporters and some Democrats as showing the agents whipping migrants. In fact, as the eventual CBP investigation confirmed, the agents were using reins to control their horses, were not carrying whips and did not whip anyone. 

The media spread the despicable lie that a white cop shot a black teenager in Ferguson, Missouri. The talking point “Hands up don’t shoot” was repeated widely. The purpose of the lie was to gin up racial hate against white cops. How many cops have been injured or killed because of that intentional lie?

The media showed pictures of kids in cages at the border to “prove” that Trump didn’t care about kids and that he was a racist. If the media parrots weren’t so hellbent on destroying Trump in the minds of the public, they would have never shown those pictures, because the images were actually from 2014, during the Obama/Biden years—they built the cages. Of course, the media didn’t care about kids in cages when the “compassionate” Obama/Biden administration was running the show.

The media operatives wanted to claim that Trump supporters were racists, so they were willing to destroy white Christian boys for the crime of wearing MAGA hats; it’s all a means to an end, which is to promote the Democrat agenda.

The media members reliably spread the lie that Trump supported Nazis and white supremacists, all to gin up animus.

The FBI says there was no insurrection on January 6th, yet the media and other Democrats continue to repeat the lie that Trump caused an insurrection.

The media continually treated everything that Anthony Fauci said as sound science, yet when he admits it wasn’t, they essentially buried the story.

How do you get so many people to hate Jews and root for the destruction of Israel without media accomplices?

How do you get people to show up in Iowa and protest climate change and global warming when it is record-cold without constant indoctrination from the media?

Summary: Most of the media has an agenda, and it is to interfere in elections to destroy Republicans and elect Democrats. Do not trust them! Always do your own research and ask questions, because they won’t. They haven’t cared about facts for a long time.

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