IRS whistleblower: Hunter Biden’s ‘sugar brother’ just wants to ‘help’

Despite his prior claims of being unable to pay his child support or taxes, Hunter Biden leads a lavish lifestyle of the rich and famous. He resides at Malibu beach house rental, drove a $142,000 Fisker Karma EV (before transitioning to a Porsche), travels on private jets, and stays in the swankiest hotels. He’s somehow able to afford a phalanx of the most expensive lawyers.

He maintains this standard of living, we were told, from the proceeds of a personal loan by his so-called sugar-bro, Kevin Morris—a high-flying Hollywood entertainment lawyer. Morris began lending Hunter the big bucks just one week after meeting him at a Democrat Party fundraiser. To date that loan is reported to total $4.9 million.

Which begs the question, why would a successful lawyer loan millions of dollars to a recovering drug addict, under indictment on tax and gun charges, who’s unable to support himself? Morris has stated he has done so because Hunter is a friend.

“My only goal was and is to help my friend and client,” Morris told investigators. “In this country, there is no prohibition against helping a friend in need with no ulterior motive.” That’s some kinda friendship.

Last week, Morris sat for a deposition for House Judiciary and Oversight committees investigating the Biden family influence peddling operations and we learned that he is now the proud owner of Hunter’s former stake in the Chinese Communist Party-backed investment fund, BHR Partners. You may recall that Hunter snagged this $1.5 billion dollar deal while traveling to China with then Vice President Joe Biden aboard Air Force Two.

Princling Hunter’s share in the Chinese-state controlled fund was 10 percent. Now “sugar-bro” Morris is the proud owner of that stake, which currently has about $3 billion invested in various geo-strategic enterprises around the world.

It’s still unknown how much Morris paid Hunter for Hunter’s stake in BHR, but I’d bet this is all part of an elaborate money-laundering scheme that involves the millions in sugar-bro “loans” and Hunter’s sham art sales. Morris has been a major purchaser of Hunter’s “art” and his baby-mama, Lunden Roberts, settled for a regular stream of his masterpieces in lieu of child support.

International art sales are a notorious money-laundering front and in response to reporters’ questions about Hunter’s new avocation, the White House claimed that, to avoid corruption, the identities of the buyers would be kept secret. Well, that’s convenient.

Hunter’s art dealer, Georges Berges, testified before the House Oversight and Judiciary committees that he was unaware of any agreement to keep those buyers secret and that Hunter knew their identities.

As expected, the mainstream media has shown little-to-no interest in these revelations. 

Jim Daws is long-time America First activist beginning with work on Pat Buchanan's presidential campaigns. He's a writer and itinerant talk radio / podcast host and a former fire battalion chief from Atlanta.

Image from X.

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