January 6: the bombs that weren't?

On January 21, my colleague Andrea Widburg posted TUCKER CARLSON VIDEO: Did the government plant the pipe bomb at the DNC? Appearing on Tucker Carlson’s channel, Revolver News’ Darren Beattie presented just that case, analyzing video provided by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY).

This is ironic in that Carlson was fired by Fox News for daring to air January 6 video that obviously contradicted The Narrative. Founding his own network, Carlson has the opportunity to air even more video. Widburg wrote:

The video footage, shot on January 6 by a camera installed across the street from the pertinent events, shows two SUVs parked right next to the DNC bench near which one of the pipe bombs was found. One SUV belongs to the D.C. cops, and one to the Secret Service. According to Beattie, they were working jointly on security that day.

Graphic: screen shot via Carlson video

In the video, we see a man wearing a backpack appear on the lower right side of the screen. Walking at a leisurely pace, he approaches the D.C. police, leans into the driver’s side window, and talks to someone. This is the moment, says Beattie, when he informed the police that he’d seen a pipe bomb. By the way, as this Blaze video shows, that man with the backpack was almost certainly a Capitol police officer:

Backpack Guy leisurely strolls off-camera, and the Capitol Police and Secret Service remain in their vehicles. Then:

Graphic: screen shot via Carlson video

Instead, a minute or so goes by while nothing happens. Then, police officers and Secret Service agents emerge at a leisurely pace from the SUVs and kind of stand around. A group of school children walks within feet of what law enforcement has been told is a pipe bomb, and the officers and agents do nothing at all. One of them eventually walks over and takes a photo of the pipe that may be a bomb. Only later does a robot defuse it.

What’s certain is the Capital Police and Secret Service didn’t do the bare basics required in response to a bomb threat, to say nothing about a confirmed explosive device. This is all the odder in that they were there that day to protect Kamala Harris, who was days away from being sworn in as Vice President. She was in the building.

What’s even more interesting is Beattie, while on to something, doesn’t quite apprehend exactly what he’s found. Why should he? He’s a journalist, and apparently a good one, but he’s not a cop. He doesn’t think like them, have their instincts, or know their protocols.

Police work was my first career. I do have those instincts and know those protocols, and better yet, I’ve worked with the Secret Service, been briefed by them as I helped them protect Al Gore and Bush the elder. To find out where Beattie might be going wrong, take this link to my home blog, where I lay out the case in detail. 

You’ll be appalled, but probably not surprised.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor.  

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