January 6th reflections on establishment repression three years later

One day after the Capitol chaos on January 6th, 2021, my American Thinker article began, “Whenever leftist anarchy rears its ugly head, the nearly universal response seems to be: close your eyes; don’t look!  The mob violence yesterday at the US Capitol, on the other hand, will be a tool for establishment repression of conservatives” (italicized emphasis added).

Did you ever predict something while hoping you’d be wrong?

That was the case with my prognostication on January 7th, but sadly, repression has been the rule for three years now.  The establishment gestapo have been on a campaign to crush the right, citing January 6th as proof conservative white supremacists are the greatest threat to America. 

Prior to the Capitol melee, “close your eyes; don’t look” had been demonstrated repeatedly with the left’s “mostly peaceful protests” (sic) while buildings were burning around them.  Their lawlessness hasn’t been quite as intense since January 6th, but the barbarism in Israel October 7th this past year has cranked up their college student foot soldiers once again.  Hamas butchers are their new role models, and the antisemitic hate crimes by today’s “Hitler Youth” could provide cover for terrorists to exploit.  

Biden’s non-existent borders offer an open door for the world’s Jihadists to walk through.  That’s the next catastrophic “watch out!” on the horizon.

Looking back, it’s also clear my article published the day before January 6th was surprisingly prophetic vis-à-vis what happened the next day, even though it was satirical look at woke cancel culture.  Nevertheless, “Urinating with Skunks” nailed the aftereffects of the Capitol mayhem.  Of course, it was actually written as a tribute to my mother based on a routine warning she provided to family and friends: “Don’t get into pissing contests with skunks.”  I heard it often throughout her life -- nearly 100 years -- beginning when I was in grade school. 

How’s that for sound motherly wisdom? 

Granted, my mother never said, “don’t get into pissing contests with Democrat skunks,” even when they were the subject.  But there was never a need to; the silent “D” was always obvious, plus, totally redundant, too. 

Now, if you think about it with regard to what happened at the U.S. Capitol the next day, there’s no doubt that “the mob violence” initiated an unrelenting pissing contest with leftwing skunks.  And as my mother would have predicted, the stinky vermin are winning.  America is drowning in skunk urine, toxic aerosol, and other “D” excrement as well. 

Unquestionably, though, the odorific establishment has focused full time on trying to bury conservatives since January 6th, 2021.  The polecats justify it by calling everyone on the right, "MAGA Republicans."  Yes, heaven forbid that anyone would have a goal to “make America great again.”  Instead, let’s all get flushed down the toilet in a death spiral of Bidenomics. 

A year later, in January 2022, I wrote a blog piece about an insight by one of America’s Founding Fathers, John Adams, that’s relevant to the ongoing establishment repression as well.  Adams -- a member of the First Continental Congress who helped draft the Declaration of Independence -- noted that “our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.”

Think about that. It means, the U.S. Constitution was not made for amoral and godless people.  Clearly, Adams didn’t know today’s Democrats, but he must have encountered similar lowlifes back then. 

Consider the attacks on religious services during COVID and the outrageous targeting of Catholics still today.  Seems a lot like establishment repression by amoral and godless scumbags, doesn’t it?

Based on findings by Judicial Watch, there’s little doubt that the FBI was targeting Catholics. It was clear that “the agency had efforts underway to identify and treat Catholics as ‘potential terrorists,’” a concept that boggles the mind. 

But what are some other examples of establishment repression? 

Clearly, the sentences for those on the right charged and convicted of crimes for their actions on January 6th have been over the top.  “Close to 1,100 people have been arrested in connection with the attack on the Capitol, and more than 300 have been sentenced to periods of incarceration."  When this article was published in Politico last September, the longest sentence up to that point was 22 years, and that was for an organizer of the protest who wasn’t even present at the Capitol. 

Sentences for crimes on the left continue to be minimal if they’re charged at all.  Often, their criminal actions are just ignored. 

And how about the targeting of former President Donald Trump?

The Democrats cry incessantly about the potential Biden impeachment inquiry when totally bogus hogwash was used to impeach Trump when he was president.  Nonetheless, when you have no standards -- like the Ds -- having a double standard is impossible. 

Obviously, Trump is the bogeyman liberals are most worried about, so they have launched Herculean legal efforts to take him out.  The extremes they’ve gone to in cobbling disconnected pieces together in some of the cases is unprecedented, according to many legal scholars, but that hasn’t stopped them … and likely won’t.  They’ll do anything (un)humanly possible to keep him from regaining the White House, while looking past obvious illegal acts on their side of the aisle. 

Irrespective, there’s one thing to be thankful for with reference to “a tool for establishment repression.”  The “elected” occupant of the White House today may be the dullest tool ever to reside there.  A sharp one could have inflicted much more harm.  So, count your blessings America, and toss the dull, totally inoperable tool in the trash in 2024 … where dysfunctional claptraps belong.

R.W. Trewyn earned a Ph.D. after surviving Vietnam combat, and more treacherously, 53 years postwar slogging academe’s once hallowed halls.

Image: TapTheForwardAssist, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 4.0

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