Joe Biden's black voter problem gets worse

Once upon a time, Democrats had a 90% lock on black voters. It seemed impermeable, despite the known fact that black people were socially conservative in some aspects -- opposing gay marriage, for example, which should have favored Republicans. However, it didn't. Their very liberal stances in other areas, such as favoring government spending, more bureaucrats and whatever public employee unions wanted, as well as racist scaremongering about Republicans from Democrats, took precedence, and Democrats had the black vote locked up.

But these days, that neat scenario for Democrats is wearing thin, very thin.

A couple of news items lays out what is going on:

According to Terry Jones at Issues & Insights, citing an I&I/TIPP poll:

An even larger problem looms for Biden when it comes to minority voters, in particular blacks and Hispanics. In 2020, according to a Roper Survey exit poll of voters, Biden took an estimated 87% of the black vote and 65% of the Hispanic vote running against Trump, who received an estimated 12% of the black vote and 32% of the Hispanic tally.

This time around might be a surprise for the Democrats, who have long held a tight lock on the votes of the country’s two-largest minorities. Current I&I/TIPP data show Trump getting a near-identical level of Hispanic support as in 2020, 31%, but Biden’s backing has plunged from more than 60% to just 53%.

Of greater concern for Democrats is that Trump now holds a shocking 23% of the black vote, more than doubling his support from that key voting bloc since the last election. Add to that weakening support among Asian voters, and Biden could be in big trouble.

One out of four black voters is in the Trump camp now. Get on a New York subway or walk around a mall in Compton and every fourth black person you see has quietly decided to cast a vote for Trump. More of these voters don't like this guy, an old dotard who's clearly protecting his son as a matter of white-skin privilege, and who's nothing like them. They know what would happen to them if they tried that tax evasion-and-wenching-and-drug stuff. They also know that he hasn't done jack for them -- depleting their savings through inflation, raising their taxes, forcing them to max their credit cards, and shutting down their hopes of home ownership. They get hit hardest because they're on lower rungs of the economic ladder. Combine it with crime, which they see up close and bear the brunt of, and what's in it for them?

There's also the establishment's treatment of President Trump, what with the bogus "saving our democracy" claims, and worse still, the garbage prosecutions on flimsy grounds President Trump is enduring. Writer Christian Parenti, who's a man of the left, has done a good piece I've noted earlier about how black people do identify with the caprices and sneering arrogance of the legal system from the sharp end and can relate to the unfair treatment he's getting because they have experienced it themselves. Trump is someone who is experiencing what they have experienced in their blue cities run by Democrats and there's more than a strong grain of truth in that argument. Every belittling move they make on Trump, such as denying him a day to go to his mother in law's funeral, is fuel for transporting black voters to Trump and it clearly is.

Worst of all is probably the special privileged treatment illegal border crossers are getting, the welcome mat rolled out, kicking their kids out of schools and parks and airports, all because Biden won't do the common sense thing like shut the border and enforce the law on the books. That border surge isn't ending and it's not going to end so long as Biden is in power. Very little has been reported about how much black voters abhor Biden's open border and the uneasy sense that there's a great replacement going on to get them out of where they are in favor of more pliable Chavista-style voters for Democrats.

Jesse Watters at Fox News set up another man-on-the-street interview of black voters segment in what look like the outer boroughs of New York, probably the Bronx, though Brooklyn and Queens are known to have many black voters who can't stand Biden, too.



Sure, it could be cherry-picked. Maybe Watters got one-fourth pro-Trump voters among the black people asked, and three-quarters Biden voters, and only ran the Trump voters in his segment.

But notice how impassioned those responses are, one after another, and there are several. It's pretty obvious something is going on.

President Trump is said to be planning a huge rally in New York City, which will draw these voters. When it happens, it's not farfetched to think it will send shock waves through the system: Joe Biden is losing the black vote.

Image: Twitter screen shot


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