Keep on buoying, keep on

Texas just won a little bit more time in its battle over the border crisis.  The court has told Texas to keep on buoying a bit longer.  Let’s read more:

Gov. Greg Abbott has won another victory in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals to keep his floating buoy barrier in the Rio Grande.

In December the court ruled against Abbott in an order that would have forced him to move the barrier from the river. But on Wednesday, the court granted Abbott's request for a rehearing of the case with the entire Fifth Circuit instead of the three-judge panel that made the initial call.

The decision means Abbott will get to keep the bouy [sic] barrier in the water at least through May when the new hearing is scheduled to be held.

It’s a blow to the U.S. Justice Department which initially sued Abbott in July for putting the barrier in the water without prior permission from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, as required by the federal Rivers and Harbors Act.

So what happened?  Well, the decision will keep the issue open until May.  In other words, Texas may lose in the next round.  Nevertheless, it’s a victory for Governor Abbott and state AG Paxton who’ve both argued that the Biden administration is refusing to protect the border from caravans of migrants.

As you can imagine, the 1,000-foot-long string of buoys has Mexico and migrant activists screaming.  I guess that the screaming will continue for a few months.  The problem for Mexico and the migrant activists is that they don’t have any solution for the crisis on the border.  Calling for immigration reform or saying that the system is broken doesn’t have the votes in Congress.

To make matters worse, the president of Mexico just gave the Biden delegation the middle finger and told them to reschedule an appointment after his buddies in Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua get more cash.

So Texas will “keep on buoying keep on” to paraphrase that tune by The Gentrys.

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