Michelle Obama and all her many 'terrors'

Now that Joe Biden is past the point of no return on the polls, most of the speculation on Michelle Obama replacing him on the ticket is palaver.

It tends to be done by people who are open fawners to, or absolute haters of, the woman, and thus, bad prognosticators, or else by people who don't know much about Democrat power politics which is not given up lightly.

But then there is Chicago essayist John Kass, who knows what he is talking about.

He's got a deliciously good column on Michelle Obama and all her many 'terrors' -- of a Trump presidency and more, as well as some hard talk about what her prospects are for the presidency given that many Democrats want her.

He writes:

First, please understand that Michelle is terribly afraid that former President Donald Trump will recapture the White House.  Her husband’s “Big Guy,” also known as China Joe Biden is haplessly watching his job approval ratings plummet especially in the swing states that will take other Democrat politicians down with him.

So they’re afraid, the media is afraid, and Michelle is pushing the panic button.

“I am terrified about what could possibly happen,” Ms. Obama said of this year’s presidential election on a podcast. And China Joe’s failing popularity numbers on key policy issues from the wide-open border to inflation to street crime are causing Democrat politicians to fret and as their leftist corprate media mouthpieces soil themselves.

The real terror, though, is of a presidential candidate Michelle Obama, he notes, citing a conversation with Tom Bevan of RealClearPolitics:

My friend Tom Bevan–co-founder and president of Real Clear Politics–first uttered the Michelle prophecy years ago, 


He thinks if she seeks the Democratic nomination, and Barack gives her the green light, no Democrat can stop her.


Biden is failing, especially in the key swing states.

“We had a poll come out in Michigan the other day and he’s down like eight points,” said Bevan. “And  these are scary, scary numbers for Democrats, and the longer they continue the more I think you will hear about Michelle Obama. And the reason you’ll continue to hear about her because she’s the only answer to the question of ‘Who else?'”

I cut out all the funny parts which can be savored in full at the link. Read the whole thing here.

Image: Pixabay (cropped, zoomed in, pixelated) // Pixabay License

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