Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa clowns have ‘souped you’

It was one of my late father’s favorite tunes, or Nat King Cole’s “Mona Lisa”; I mean the one that goes like this, “Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa men have named you”.

Well, the lady with “the mystic smile” is back in the news for all the wrong reasons.  Here is the story:

Environmental protesters have thrown soup at the glass-protected Mona Lisa in France, calling for the right to ‘healthy and sustainable food’.

The 16th Century painting by Leonardo da Vinci is one of the world’s most famous artworks, and is held at the Louvre in central Paris.

The Louvre said the work was behind protective glass and was not damaged.

Video shows two female protesters wearing T-shirts that read ‘food counterattack’ throwing the liquid.

Well, who knew that da Vinci was a climate denier or employed by Big Oil or Big whatever?  I guess that I missed that part of his biography.

In this case, a group called Riposte Alimentaire (Food Counterattack) claimed responsibility.  I’m lost, but I’m usually lost when I have to comment on these attacks on works of art.

My good guess is that this is another one of those groups with few members.  They get their kicks pulling these stunts knowing that they will be treated as victims rather than criminals.  In other words, we in the West are responsible for nurturing these groups.  I don’t see anyone throwing soup at a work of art in Russia or North Korea.  I guess that Putin will draft them to fight in Ukraine or the fat guy in North Korea will have them eat grass for the rest of their lives.  So the clowns do it because they know that many in the West are sympathetic to their cause, and tolerant of their antics.

Thank God that the lady had a glass cover.  Once upon a time, you worried about crowds at the museums, but now it’s someone destroying art.

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Image: Public domain.

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