Nikki is Hillary 2.0

Well, Nikki Haley lost the New Hampshire primary.

But she called it a ‘great night’ and ‘far from over.’

Sound familiar?

Nikki will take the votes from, well, from wherever. She got 70% of her votes last night from ‘unregistered Republicans.

Nikki is like Hillary, a lot. She has the unquestioning support from the Wall Street Journal's editorial board, which has been pushing her for weeks, and even continues to do so. One of the Journal's editorial board members endorsed Hillary in 2016.

To deny defeat when it is clearly yours is not an historically feminist trait, but it may be a new ‘feminist’ one. Hillary is still in denial -- she still won 2020.

As had Hillary, Nikki has bundles of campaign cash -- from RINOs to Wall Street, to NGO heavyweight pen-pushers -- in her political purse, for now. The level of cash support for candidates, as we’ve seen, can have a heady and indiscriminate moral effect on public-servants-to-be.

There is also the U.N. tie, with Nikki. She had those years, under Trump’s patronage in New York City, a Hillary stomping ground, and generally hobnobbing with the NGO bureaucratic state and the fantastically rich.

Clinton weighed in frequently with the U.N. in her stint as Secretary of State. She’s got the Clinton Foundation, having recently reinvented itself via the Ukraine War.

Haley quickly set up a non-profit foundation, with the help of anonymous donors, after she left the Trump administration.

According to Politico:

“It’s very rare that the public has the opportunity to see the identities of the donors who are providing five- or even six-figure contributions to a dark money group. It’s called dark money for a reason. Typically, the public does not know who is financing these groups, and this is a rare exception,” said Brendan Fischer, deputy executive director of Documented.

“This previously unpublished donor list provides a valuable clue as to the network of wealthy donors that Haley might rely upon if she does ultimately run for office,” Fischer said.”

 Nikki, by the by, is now rich herself

Nikki, who has studied the liberal book, is vague on some important Republican talking points, and, like Hillary, is in the swim regarding the up-and-coming ‘liberal’ agenda. For example, Haley doesn’t want to comment on gender change.

And, last but never least, Nikki is mostly deaf to voter fraud. She has no problem with the ‘justice’ of keeping the January 6 defendants in jail, still.

The bottom line with Nikki may be akin to Hillary’s: use whatever means possible, stay with the money, and don’t scorn election denial, if you lose.

True, Hillary didn’t win, but on the other hand, she’s rich and not in jail.

Image: NARA and DVIDS Public Domain Archive // public domain

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