The Doomsday Clock is still broken

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, a science-oriented advocacy group, just released their annual update on their obsolete Doomsday Clock: 
It remains at ninety seconds to midnight.  That’s an arbitrary setting that doesn’t warrant much rumination, but it does highlight political piquancy spicing their quasi-science.  
Doomsday threats have escalated under Joe Biden, but the science-oriented group may be politically disoriented.  To wit: The executive chair is former California Gov. Jerry Brown. The group's speaker in the announcement of their 2024 Doomsday Clock, Bill Nye (the Science Guy) is a liberal activist.  Rachel Bronson, president and CEO of the Bulletin, has a Ph.D. in Political Science, which these days is not even “oriented” towards soft science.
Given the ratio of liberals to conservatives in the faculty lounges of academia, and the “publish or perish” conundrum, what are the odds she’s not biased?
If they insist on perpetuating the clock as a metaphor for human doom, then it needs recalibration to reflect an imbecile in the White House with access to the nuclear codes.  They were all too keen to adjust it when Trump was president, moving it closer to midnight three times.  
That’s rather odd! 
Trump ushered in peace through strength, yet the biased Bulletin board believed he moved us closer to apocalypse.  Now, despite being on the brink, the clock’s hands seem stuck. 
Here are some recent developments potentially propelling us toward apocalyptic miscalculation and madness, from my point of view:
o Mad Biden is becoming even more demented, unable to thwart possession by an alien” body snatcher” who is reconnoitering…
o There are increased sightings of unidentified aerial phenomenon whizzing around, and many believe some are commanded by aliens.  They may not be friendly, but covetous of our resources.   
o Unlike the illegal aliens coming across our borders, illegal aliens from outer space could zap us to smithereens while giggling, as their physiology allows.
o At any time, an Iranian-supplied missile could hit one of our ships in the Red Sea
o Iran is closer to developing nuclear weapons
o Russian and China are expanding their nuclear arsenals
o North Korea is tempting fate by firing more missiles
o Kamala Harris
o Sophistication of A.I. cyber-attacks will likely outpace A.I.-enabled defenses
o Per their own climate propaganda, anthropogenic endeavors are accelerating the Earth’s entropy
o Biden is vacuous, and his foreign policy is feckless; malign actors will gladly fill the vacuum
o Kamala Harris 
o More IRS agents (The original Domesday Book inventoried assets to potentially confiscate so Williams the Conqueror could pay his army)
o Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, (subsequent to the last Clock update) increasing tensions in the Middle East tinderbox
o Kamala Harris
If some those happenings occurred or escalated under Trump’s watch, they might attend confessionals at midnight Mass, such is their liberal hysteria. 
In their announcement, the Bulletin recognized heightened threats to our existence.  They really harp on about the risk of climate change, insisting it is worsening. 
Then why isn’t the clock closer to midnight?  Please remember: they moved it forward three Times under Trump, despite his brief period of Pax Americana.
Interestingly, the group conceded the clock could be turned back if the leading powers, including the United States, China and Russia, worked together, stating: “That is the task of leaders and nations working together in the shared belief that common threats demand common action.”  Well, we can’t hope for hopeless Biden to do that, but Trump can be masterful at interfacing with those leaders (even the little Rocket Man in North Korea). While protecting our interests, he vows to work with both Putin and Xi, as long as they respect us.  All Biden can do is forget their names; forget which country he’s in; even forget he, not Kamala, is president.  Please don’t let him near the nuclear football. 
Excepting a few ornaments, functional clocks are supposed to be precise.  Rather than measure exigent existential threats, the Doomsday Clock’s primary purpose now is to stimulate conversations.   
Maybe that was an important role in decades past. However, in a social media milieu where professional protesters persistently harangue about climate and war, it is evident it has reached conceptual obsolescence.   Ticking to leftist angst, it represents a muddled metaphor – a broken clock that’s not calibrated to simultaneously measure disparate threats with different time scales.
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