What happens if… ?

This is a very scary essay to write, but it must be said and deeply considered.

Tucker Carlson has long opined that Trump’s greatest threat is being “Epsteined.” Democrats have pulled out all the stops to prevent him from ever entering the White House ever again, yet at every one of their attempts his popularity grows.  Every new attempt to keep him off the ballot spirals ever deeper into the “crazy zone” with reasons they seemingly pull out of thin air, and judges that are O.K. to rule on these specious arguments; I won’t belabor them because this has been well-covered on these pages.  Obviously, these attempts won’t ultimately succeed because the law is not on the side of the accusers (I know that many readers will say the law doesn’t matter anymore, but I’m going to pretend, for now, that it does).  Therefore, Trump will be the Republican nominee.

But what happens if someone takes the final irreversible step of removing Trump from the face of the earth?  Tucker believes Democrat Plan B is to back Nikki Haley.  According to Tucker Carlson:

‘Maybe you back a Republican candidate who’s actually a Democrat whose priorities are identical to yours... Her name is Nikki Haley. Nikki Haley is a liberal. She is all-in on the four tenets of neoliberalism, which are white guilt, a finance-based economy, mass immigration, and endless neocon wars. Strip away all the outward characteristics. And Nikki Haley is identical in her priorities to Joe Biden and the people who back Joe Biden.’

Nikki and Ron DeSantis trail in the polls behind DJT, but would Republicans also back Nikki Haley over Ron DeSantis as the Republican nominee if Trump doesn’t make it to the election?  Maybe, but if not, Democrats cheated in the 2020 election, so cheating to get Haley on the Republican ticket would be, to them, as easy as falling off a log.  You see, then it doesn’t matter who wins the general election.

Therein lies the conundrum.  My hope, my prayer, is first and foremost that Trump survives this election year and four years more.  I also hope and pray he picks a worthy running-mate conservatives would be proud to have as president if the worst were to happen after the election.  But what would happen if Trump doesn’t make it until the election?

If that happens before the primary season is over (June-ish), it turns into a state issue, so voters would still have something to say about our nominee depending on how each state handles the process.

If that happens after the primaries and before the convention, the decision is left up to the delegates sent to the convention.

If that happens after the convention and before the election, the decision is up to the RNC.

God help us all.

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