Who is Trump’s real opponent? Not Biden.

The post-Iowa consensus appears to be coalescing around the idea that Trump ought to ignore his GOP challengers and turn his focus entirely on Joe Biden.  Clay Travis and Buck Sexton, of the Clay and Buck Show, suggested this would result in the “longest general election campaign in modern history.”

While I accept the premise, I wholeheartedly disagree with the target.  Yes, Trump’s energies ought no longer be directed toward swatting flies on his rear, but pivoting toward Biden entirely is a strategic error.

Biden is a symptom, not a cause of America’s illness.  The cause lies in the embrace by the Democrat party of a Marxist/fascist hybrid collectivism, to be elevated by any means necessary.

Biden will almost certainly be replaced before the general election, and not with Kamala Harris.  This will likely be timed to happen very deep into the election cycle to ensure that Republicans have as little time as possible to expose the new nominee as the Marxist puppet he surely will be.

Given the puppeteer role Barack Obama has played in the present administration, the theory that Biden will be supplanted by Michelle Obama at the eleventh hour is emerging as the most credible.

The Democrat party will forcefully focus voters on the celebrity of their nominee to forestall meaningful scrutiny of her lackluster qualifications and the disturbing anti-white American animus evidenced throughout her life.

Of course, the left will have no shortage of media figures from Hollywood and entertainment television to spend dramatic amounts of time and treasure casting Trump as a vindictive, dangerous despot determined to drag any American politically left of center into gulags.

Simply promising to hold the miscreant architects of American social and legal decay accountable for their lawlessness will be reflexively cast as political prosecutions in yet another breathtaking example of projection by Democrats.

To be victorious, Trump needs to sidestep the Biden sideshow and target the Dems where they are the most vulnerable: their hideous, authoritarian, and corrupt beliefs.

Remember, the Democrat party isn’t trying to run from its dismal track record as much as it’s trying to conceal the fact that it’s all intentional.  This is our task: to show the American public that the struggles and travails they have experienced for the last three years were not an accident.  They were the point.

Our enemies are within the gates; indeed, they have taken control of the gates and are opening them wide to nearly every external threat they can find.  They’re fully aware of the catastrophic consequences to our nation of their treachery and accepting of it as simply the cost of “fundamental transformation.”  Breaking eggs to make an omelet, and all that.

This race isn’t Trump vs. Biden.  It isn’t even Republican vs. Democrat.  It’s the People vs. Tyrannical Rule.  It’s a deadly serious contest to determine where the power of choice will reside for the foreseeable future — with the people, as intended, or with the ruling elites, who consider us all mere units of production.

Whenever political conversations veer toward the brazen corruption of Biden, supporters of Trump must be sure to refocus the argument on those who tolerated Biden’s criminality, enabled it, profited from it, and exploited it to achieve the only thing that side of the aisle truly values: absolute power, exercised without restriction or negative consequence.

Trump’s opponent isn’t Biden.  It’s the corrupt, anti-constitutional, anti-freedom cabal propping Biden up.  No matter the eventual nominee, he will be the fruit of that poisonous tree.

Republicans have long been disappointed by our consultants.  Perpetually timid and unceasingly wrong, they have led us to defeat after defeat, even when the election turns in our favor.

Once a candidate is elected under their guidance, that individual is co-opted into a hamster wheel existence, where true leadership is not merely discouraged, but punished by the monied interests who keep the consultants employed.

There are countless examples of candidates who have followed the advice of our feckless leadership — advice that brought us a foppish “Boehner-like” hellscape, where every battle is put off “until the next time.”

Trump is the disruptor of all this.  He’s the only true threat to the existence and further hegemony of the “uniparty.”  However, unless we aim him toward the true enemy — the Democrat party as a whole — we will waste our ammunition on shadows and smoke while the bulk of their forces march unmolested through our lines.

This is common knowledge among engaged conservatives, who need only the occasional reminder, but it is an essential lesson for those who are contemplating or intend to vote for a Democrat, forever stamping their souls with the stain of complicity.

Teach them, and in doing so, save ourselves.

The author writes from Omaha, NE and welcomes visitors to his website at www.dailyherring.com.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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