Biden allegedly refers to Netanyahu with obscene insults

According to reports (which the White House is now denying), Joe Biden has castigated Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, in terms even worse than those he reserved for the mythical Corn Pop. In Biden’s world, Corn Pop was merely a “bad dude,” but Bibi is a “bad f***ing guy.” More disgracefully, although Biden has never made a pretense of liking Bibi, the latter’s being downgraded below Corn Pop is because Bibi’s desperate, existential defense of his own nation is harming Biden’s presidential campaign.

It's no secret that Joe Biden has never liked Netanyahu. Back in 2010, it was considered a major insult to Biden that Netanyahu announced the construction of Jewish homes in East Jerusalem right before Biden landed in Israel—and Biden definitely took it personally. How dare Netanyahu govern according to the needs of his countrymen rather than according to Obama’s and Biden’s support for those Arabs in Gaza and the West Bank who desire Israel’s annihilation?

In 2015, the petty Biden refused to attend Netanyahu’s speech in Congress. In 2016, Biden was again venting about Netanyahu for his refusal to toe the Democrat party line. As far as Biden was concerned, Netanyahu was mismanaging Israel because he refused to give the Gazastinians and West Bankians, who continued their genocidal rhetoric unabated, a share in Israel.

It’s worth noting that Biden’s attitudes were entirely consistent with those of the entire Democrat party. Remember when Obama refused to dine with Netanyahu? (While it’s possible that Obama didn’t abandon Bibi to have dinner with his own family, no one has challenged the claim that he refused to eat with Bibi.)

Image of Netanyahu in 1970 and Biden in 1972 by Andrea Widburg using a YouTube screen grab of Joe Biden.

In an excellent essay at The Conservative Woman, Neil Turner writes that the entire Western “liberal” (i.e., leftist) establishment despises Netanyahu. He provides detail after detail (well worth reading) about their attacks on the duly elected Prime Minister of Israel, a nation that is the only true representative democracy in the entire Middle East. Why this animosity? Simple, says Turner:

He stands like a rock in the face of an existential threat to his nation, attacked by Iran’s proxies from without and secular Israeli anti-Zionists (who hate the idea of a Biblical Jewish state) from within.


His detractors demand he cede – reward terror with Statehood (the Palestinian Authority pays stipends of American dollars to families of the October 7 terrorists under the ‘pay for slay’ policy) – and be disappeared quietly so he can (like Trump, Bolsonaro, Khan and others) be locked away while the globalist project proceeds unopposed. Nation state democracy remains its greatest threat.

Biden’s personal hatred for Netanyahu—because of Biden’s ego and because Bibi refuses to let Iran and the surrounding Arab nations extinguish Israel—has apparently found overt expression in Biden’s speech:

Joe Biden has privately ripped Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu as a “bad f–king guy” as the Gaza war rages and negatively affects the president’s reach with young voters, well-placed sources say in a new report.

The White House is denying this report, but I don’t believe the White House. After all, Biden’s hatred for Bibi is old and open, so it’s impossible to believe it when the White House claims that they’ve had a “decades-long relationship that is respectful in public and in private.”

What makes the alleged insult even more stunning is the reasoning given for that hatred: Biden is enraged at Netanyahu’s efforts to keep Israelis from facing a second Holocaust because those efforts might affect Biden’s reelection. This is delusional, of course. Biden’s economy, open border, Ukraine sinkhole, and everything else are more than enough to make the American people turn away from him.

But more than that, Biden’s position reveals the moral vacuum that lies at the man’s heart. One of the things I’ve always liked about Harry Truman was that he was able to make tough decisions, including those running counter to his own values when those decisions were objectively morally correct. He was a racist who integrated the American military because it was the morally right thing to do and an antisemite who recognized the State of Israel, again because it was the right thing to do.

And yes, Truman was also morally correct when he used the atomic bomb. It wasn’t because he wanted to flex his muscles before Stalin. Instead, as America’s Commander-in-Chief, it was his responsibility to save an estimated million (or even more) American lives that would have been lost if Americans had invaded the mainland to end a war Japan had already lost. It was not his job to save a hundred thousand Japanese lives, especially given that the insane Japanese military ethos meant they would not surrender despite certain defeat. It was a hard, horrible decision, but it was the right one. (The disgusting National Archives, by the way, leaves out the detail about American lives that would have been lost using traditional warfare.)

With Biden, one never feels he’s grappling with his baser instincts versus morally correct or responsible actions. He’s driven by ideology and petty grievances. Biden is an utter stranger to morality and true hard choices. Instead, he’s a petty little man who can look at a long-time ally under a genocidal threat and see only his own political aspirations. It’s hard to imagine a more indecent human than Joe Biden—and it’s that indecent little man who rants against Bibi Netanyahu, a statesman who makes hard decisions and is a greater man than Biden could ever be.

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