Canada’s assisted suicide program manages to get even uglier

It’s impossible to pack into a single short essay how unutterably vile Canada’s euthanasia program is. It was inevitable, of course, because when you have socialized medicine, eventually you run out of money to treat those with physical or mental illness. At that point, you can use authoritarianism to kill them (as the Nazis did, along with killing Jews, gypsies, and other “undesirables”), or you can convince them to kill themselves. But what happens if your program is so successful that you run out of people willing and able to participate in the slaughter? That’s Canada’s problem today.

When Canada was stuck with a struggling socialized medicine system, it did the inevitable and legalized euthanasia in 2016 under the Orwellian title “Medical Assistance in Dying.” Since then, it’s gone about as well as you would expect. First, the system came for the terminally ill. Then, it started expanding the options for people eligible to have a doctor execute them.

One of the recent expansions was for people experiencing poverty and homelessness in the nation’s post-COVID economy. That was unofficial. It’s now official: In March, mental illness, unattended by any terminal physical illness, will get people into the euthanasia program. (Or at least, the program was to have started next month. See below for why it won’t.) The state also indoctrinates children about the wonders of euthanasia.

Image: Justin Trudeau (edited). YouTube screen grab.

In a few short years, euthanasia has become Canada’s leading cause of death. With that volume of bodies piling up, it was inevitable that Canada would go into the business of organ harvesting. Indeed, the program has been so successful that Canada now provides more organ transplants than any other country in the world.

It’s a great, if deeply disturbing, business model for socialized medicine: Stop providing medical care for the living, encourage them to kill themselves, harvest their organs, and then reuse those same organs for people within the country who aren’t being encouraged to kill themselves.  

Now, though, Canada is up against the same problem that it ran into when it started its journey to euthanasia: It’s running out of doctors. You see, euthanasia is a great option when your socialized system stifles the growth of medical care. But that same stifled growth means you don’t have enough psychiatrists to process killing patients:

Canada has delayed the extension of its assisted suicide program to people suffering solely from mental illness, health officials announced Monday. 


But now, health officials are slow-walking plans to expand the program, stating there are not enough doctors, specifically psychiatrists, in Canada to evaluate mentally ill people who wish to die, according to the announcement made by Health Minister Mark Holland and Justice Minister Arif Virani. This followed a meeting of the special parliamentary committee looking into the plan, the Times reported.

“The system needs to be ready, and we need to get it right,” Holland told reporters. “It's clear from the conversations we've had that the system is not ready, and we need more time.”

“Although the curriculum is present, although the guidelines are set, there has not been enough time for people to be trained on them, and provinces and territories are saying their systems are not ready and need more time,” he added.

When I think of killer psychiatrists, I think of Radovan Karadžić, the killer psychiatrist of Bosnia. And of course, killer physicians inevitably force one to think of Mengele. Doctors are supposed to save lives, not select people for culling.

Canada used to be a wonderful, sturdy country, filled with people who worked hard and carried with them traditional Western values. It also produced incredibly good comedians. However, within a very short time, it’s become a thought-controlled concentration camp (just look at Jordan Peterson’s forced re-education), with the lunatics in charge draping their horrific policies in the garments of compassion.

We in America, thankfully, still have a Constitution, but leftists have steadily shredded it for the past century, so it’s not clear how far we are from going down the Canada path. All I can say is that you must vote wisely in November, or we will soon be Canada.

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