Crisp up the message now

There are many things that could be done easily by a president that would have immediate positive benefits for his public image. Easily performed actions that would have immediate positive impact -- these are low hanging fruits to be picked by any executive. So why isn't it happening?

It's not happening because Democrats are saving these nuggets for their nominees.  Republicans seem strangely listless.  It's past time for the Right to get in gear and state their intention to address these things when they get back in.

Time is short until the election and will be even shorter if the Democrats switch out their candidates. It's time for the Republicans to pick some low-hanging fruit now by crisping up their message delivery.  It's past time to focus.

Politicians and pundits on the Right need to isolate key issues, give them names and pound them every day.  Take Republican ownership of issues everyone understands.

Here are some examples of issues and the sort of name they might get:

  • Stop illegal, unvetted foreigners from pouring into our country.
  • Americans need protection from unassimilable masses of foreigners that are already here and wreaking havoc.
  • Stop insisting everyone get an EV.
  • Stop insisting people get experimental "vaccines."  No one should choose between risking his life and keeping his job.
  • Leave our personal appliances like gas stoves alone.
  • Leave herring fishermen and brick pizza ovens alone instead of paving the way for bigger and bigger conglomerates.
  • Support the police and other first responders.
  • Support rebuilding the military as a fighting force.
  • Stop loser men from stealing advancement opportunities from winner women in sports.
  • Stop foreign enemies from buying our resources and food sources.
  • Support our international allies and be worthy of respect.
  • Stop canoodling with China while they try to kill us.

Every one of these issues relates to a colossal Democrat screw-up in the last three years -- too much so for it to be unintended.  If they win, their playbook will become gospel and we will be helpless -- our side must highlight the immediacy of these issues.

There needs to be an agreement on form so each time one of these phrases is used, it amplifies the statements of others.  That means Republicans need to stop wasting time on Uniparty schemes and make an agreement on issue naming and start including these phrases in every statement, stump speech, editorial, and interview. Republicans should try to mention at least three of these at every communication opportunity.

This approach will relegate abortion into one of many issues instead of a lefty battering ram.  If you say, for instance, "Life protection rules by state," you encompass not only abortion, but also opposition to the unconscionable euthanasia-on-demand that has come into vogue in western societies of late.  

This approach leaves Democrats at a disadvantage, especially if several statements are used at once -- they would be the ones explaining subtleties and verbally wandering off. It's not helpful to them to say "What do you mean by 'Stay out of our kitchen?'" The answers are easy and quick, such as "There are plenty of regulations to keep users and builders of our appliances making safe, effective products that people want. The EPA has become militant over regulatory minutia."

Most of all, do not let the Democrats grab these issues, tinker around the edges, and declare the issue solved. The administration is already hinting about slightly backing off the EV mandates. Grab that issue and own it before they actually do anything.

In other words, agree on a plan, get off your butts and start singing the same productive tune.

Image: National Archives

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