DEI will self-destruct: Elections are coming

Soul-destroying and spirit-sapping DEI initiatives, absent ability and talent, sow the seeds of their own destruction.

Already, there is widespread backlash in corporate America, where performance and productivity actually matters.

DEI as envisioned by sordid identity politics and implemented by burrowed bureaucrats is stickier:  It continues to advance the unqualified into higher roles. 

For example, it’s unfathomable that White House spokeswoman, Karine Jean-Pierre, was qualified to be press secretary; she checks all the boxes -- except competency, of course.  Admittedly, she has a preposterous job defending Joe Biden, but she’s clearly in over her head. Her inadequacies are apparent for all who believe their lying eyes and ears, making a mockery of the tedious bromide that “diversity is our greatest strength.”

When there is meritocracy and accountability, the cream inexorably rises to the top.  That’s why John Kirby is gradually usurping KJP (he’s only marginally better), though Biden could never admit a gay Black female is playing second-fiddle to a 60 year-old white male.

Despite her relative demotion, DEI proponents are stubborn and self-unware, propping up KJP in a desperate attempt to attain affirmation.  She increasingly stands to the side during White House press conferences, but still calls upon questioners on behalf of Kirby – bizarre.  

Not just KJP, but all of Biden’s cabinet provide an anguishing lesson that the best way to ultimately undermine DEI is to enforce it – few will want to see the likes of them again.  Elections are coming.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was just impeached in Congress, only the second time ever for a cabinet member. Janet Yellen, who is Biden's  Treasury secretary, repeatedly insisted inflation (which just ticked up again) is transitory.  Lloyd Austin (the SecDef) should be fired for abandoning his duties and disrupting the chain of command during his medical absence (when I was in the military, there were strict protocols to follow when missing work due to sickness).  Xavier Becerra, at Health and Human Services, is even more AWOL than Austin –- is he actually an apparition?  He has no health and human services experience, but at least his name ends in a vowel.  Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg couldn’t even fix potholes as mayor in his little Indianapolis town. Labor Secretary Julie Su helped ruin California; she presided over a labor department wrought with fraud, and crippled small businesses. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm wants to ban our trusty appliances, and her EV road trip last year was a pathetic debacle ….  and on, and on.

The level of ineptitude is proportional with the level of DEI. The end result resembles the Peter Principle  in that employees are promoted to their level of incompetence.  We have a cabinet full of incumbents whose knowledge, skills, and abilities are misaligned with their new duties – but at least they checked all the DEI boxes. 

Never mind, elections are coming.

An amusing corollary to the Peter Principle is the Dilbert Principle: ineffective workers are placed where they can do the least damage, such as in management.  Unfortunately for us, Biden’s ineffective workers are being placed where they can do damage -– his condescending administration.  

To facilitate the downfall of DEI, don’t risk bad weather on Election Day -- vote early!

And then there is Kamala Harris.  Why would black women desert Biden if he dumped her? 

They should be relieved.

Thankfully, I’m not a black woman clawing for recognition and reassurance as to my worth by seeing other black women in high places, but if I were, I’d want Kamala removed ASAP.  She’s an embarrassment who gives outstanding black women a bad name. 

Biden said he wants his administration to look like America, but they don’t think or act like most of America. He has chosen a bunch of ideological idiots who look and think more like the incompetents mismanaging the United Nations.  His DEI-constrained mindset (to the extent it is functioning) has foisted upon us a cabal only fit for the tin-pot dictatorship he imposes.  In fact, most Americans are not as stupid as his team, hence the polls showing a vast majority -– not plurality, majority -- believe we’re heading in the wrong direction.  

Early voting will soon be here.

KJP’s incompetence led to her Kirby comeuppance. Unfortunately, we have to suffer fools in the meantime, but, ultimately, it will sink into the voting populace that an administration should not look like the United Nations, but the best and brightest of the last great hope of Earth.   

Audacious hope, if you will, for Americans are generally gracious and actually like to see all kinds pull themselves up by their bootstraps.  President Obama was not only elected twice, but, before his anti-Americanism became apparent to low-information voters, his initial approval ratings of 69% traversed political boundaries.  So much for systemic racism.

If I were one, my “Diary of a mad black woman” would contain profuse and profane ruminations about Kamala and KJP reflecting poorly on our demographic.  I might even entertain the notion that after all the failures of the Great Society handouts, affirmative action, wokeism and DEI, that it’s time to divorce from the Democrat party’s platform.

It’s self-evident that DEI, absent meritocracy, is self-defeating. If the polls bear out this time, and presuming we are able to thwart Dem cheating, MAGA candidates with character will overthrow them DEI Dems with color. 

Elections have consequences.

Image: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr // CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED


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