DeSantis-supporters (like me) must lend their support to Trump

Where would America be without the Constitution and Bill of Rights?  It is very likely that less than two years into the Obama administration, the U.S. would have become a decadent monstrosity, not unlike the E.U.  The Constitutional separation of powers prevented Obama from fundamentally destroying the country.  This founding document bought us some time to save the United States from Marxism and neo-liberalism.

We should consider this a parting gift from the Founding Fathers: a document written over 200 years ago was instrumental in preventing a neo-liberal (and Marxist) takeover of the US government.

Sadly, the Founders cannot buy us any more time if we lose the 2024 election: if the Democrats win, they will pack the Supreme Court with a dozen Neo-Marxist judges.  Some of these will be trans individuals on mind-altering hormones, making legal decisions as important as Brown v. Board of Education or the overturn of Roe v. Wade.  We could see the D.C. courts gain status above that of the Supreme Court.

As Niall Ferguson pointed out in a recent article,

Now all you have to imagine — after communications were restored — is Vice President Kamala Harris announcing the new policy of “Asianization” (by analogy with Vietnamization in 1969), which would mean bringing all those American troops back home. This would be followed by live coverage of President Xi Jinping’s arrival in Taipei. Finally, a week later, the foreign ministers of China, Russia, Iran and North Korea would meet in Beijing to announce the formation of the Greater Eurasian Co-prosperity Sphere. ...

The interesting thing is to imagine daily life in CCP-US. At first, quite normal, aside from a lot of burnt-out inner cities and an influx of newly demobilized soldiers and sailors. Taylor Swift would probably keep singing and the Kansas City Chiefs keep playing. Only gradually would our friends from Beijing start to make their presence felt.

Only after a few months would you start to worry seriously about what you might have said in your phone calls and emails and old columns. And then you would start to delete things. And then you would have to worry that deletion didn’t really get rid of those offending words because they were backed up on the big-tech servers regardless.

Some would collaborate. Some would resist. Most would acquiesce.

Having been a very vocal supporter of Ron DeSantis during the primary, I can empathize with the reticence some have about “supporting Trump...again.”  However, we do not need to rehash the reasons why Team Trump and the DeSantis Campaign don’t like each other.

Ask yourself this: What good will a 2nd term Biden (or 1st term Kamala) Administration do immediately after being sworn in?  Probably, pack the Supreme Court with far-left justices.  The highest court in the land would then rule the 2nd Amendment only applies to the government, and that teachers have final say in child rearing, not parents.

That is just the beginning. Those tweets that were critical of trans 2009?  The FBI will go after you like a peaceful Jan 6 protestor who didn’t even enter the Capitol.

And don’t even think about gun ownership: we can’t have those dangerous weapons in your house when the illegal aliens that will be living with you may be hurt!  That is, before you get deported on charges of “racism” or “xenophobia” and the illegals, manipulated by evil left-wing activists, get to sue you for your house.

As you are being forcefully removed from your home, and sued by the illegal immigrants squatting in it, I hope you enjoyed that fleeting moment of happiness when you told all those MAGA folks who tweeted mean things “HAHA YOUR GUY LOST!”

I call upon all my fellow people who don’t like Trump, but also don’t want to be deported and sued by illegal immigrants for their home: let's campaign 2x harder for Trump than die-hard MAGA.  Our intimate understanding of why people might not like Trump gives us a perspective to win over skeptical moderates and independents.

To do otherwise is to risk being deported from my own country, after having my veterans disability given to illegal immigrants.  For some of you, your Social Security and Medicare would go to illegals.  And for too many of you, your food stamps or other assistance programs that keep you afloat will be given to illegals.

I pledge to knock on doors to defeat the Democrats, and I encourage other DeSantis people to do the same.  If you don’t like Donald Trump, chances are, you won’t ever have to meet him.  You will probably meet many honest folks who are just as against the “1984” future the Democrats/CCP has planned for us as we are.  And you are setting up a coalition for DeSantis to run in the 2028 primary.

Neither side should let past mudslinging from a heated primary stand in the way of victory.  To be petty with each other would have the American wing of the CCP, the Democrat party, in full control of the country.

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