Fani Willis takes the stand… and the memers go wild

Karma came for Fani Willis, and it did not disappoint.

Yesterday, Willis took the stand to testify about alleged misconduct regarding her prosecution of President Trump and his co-defendants in the Georgia election lawsuit, and I’ve been overwhelmed with schadenfreude; Willis’s behavior portrayed a belligerent, combative, and guilty criminal who misused campaign and tax funds to sleep with a subordinate employee. Remember a month or so ago, when Fani stood at the pulpit and swore she’d never had sexual relations with Nathan Wade? Yeah, that was a lie. Language warning, but this was a concise articulation of the courtroom drama:

Now, if I were Fani Willis, there are many things I would have done differently, but in hindsight, taking the stand was a very bad idea and I would have avoided it at all costs—because, perhaps more intimidating than hypothetically perjuring myself on the stand and blowing the entire “get Trump” case, would be the circling sharks (conservative memers) waiting for the feeding frenzy.

Almost immediately, somebody dug up this sound bite from Fani about why the Fulton county voters should elect her to the district attorney position instead of incumbent Paul Howard Jr.:

That didn’t age well now did it? And this is the woman “they” picked to get Trump? I may have overestimated the strategy of the left and its puppet masters entirely. But wait, it gets worse; Fani apparently admitted to campaign finance violations, keeping money donated for her political run:

Oh dear.

And, it seems as though the curse of hiring incompetent saboteurs was visited upon Fani too. I mean, remember this girl? She was handpicked by Ms. Willis, so we really should have seen the writing on the wall for this case from the very beginning:

Also, this is how she speaks:

The entire episode was such a delightful gift to those of us so completely fed up by the corruption of the left and the Democrats, but the cherry on top was Fani unwittingly (her modus operandi) making a great case against the technocrats’ push for a cashless society; when asked where she got the cash to “reimburse” Wade, she launched into a lecture about the fungibility and usefulness of paper money, advising all others to carry cash in case they ever want to make purchases or payments away from prying eyes:


If you want an encore, you’re in luck, because bruised and bloodied, Fani is set to take the stand again this morning at 0900 EST, so hurry up and grab the popcorn, because I promise, you won’t want to miss it.

Image from X.

*An earlier version included an X post of Fani Willis appearing to wear her dress backwards which has since been debunked.

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