National morality and ethics: The short version

The errors of leftist politics, socialism and communism, come home to roost.  Extreme Democrats and big-government Republicans have had free rein for years.  We see the results of excessive government spending (inflation), lax law enforcement (Antifa and BLM riots, the Biden Crime Family), weaponizing Administrative State bureaucracies (DOJ, IRS), and absurd border policy (inviting invasion).

The thing is that citizens have straightforward solutions to all these man-made problems.  The Constitution was forged to apply to acts of the federal government, to restrict federal power and control over citizens.  We are a constitutional republic, a self-governing republic based on the Rule of Law, not rule by bureaucrat, nor by Administrative State.  Citizens have c Constitutional right and obligation to object to the excessive hand of any and every government employee who transgresses the Rule of Law, our Constitution. 

Our right to life, liberty, and ownership of our property is bestowed on us not by our government, but by our eternal creator.  Therefore, government cannot take these individual rights from us, try as it might.

For instance, when the Federal Reserve and Department of the Treasury, in collusion with Congress and the president, unilaterally put this nation into debt to fund excessive spending by Congress, that debt is yours to pay back.  You didn’t give the government permission to place you and your children into servitude.

The powers that be could solve the debt crisis — not by burdening us with more debt, but by reducing spending.  Our government should live within its means; instead, the elites in control (both parties) burden us with extreme and unsustainable debt.  They don’t have the right to do so.

The human condition is universal: we all fear, accuse, and hate.  But some rise above their more base instincts.  The same human frailties that hound people in Hamas and Gaza torment us.

We are fortunate, because our founding generations rejected victimhood and embraced a moral code based on self-reliance.  They even created a nation based on the inalienable rights of the individual.

That doesn’t mean that we are not subject to base nature — we are — but we also have a path to salvation through our own individual efforts.  We have several roadmaps, like the Old and New Testaments, philosophy, and even our nation’s Declaration of Independence.

Have the courage to rejoice in your individualism.  Exert iron-willed justice on those who seek to make us victims.  Let us temper our actions with golden wisdom, morality and ethics.

Citizens can’t change the government directly.  But we can change the politicians, who then can change government employee directives. 

Therefore, support only those politicians who swear to reduce federal spending and incursion through regulation.  Then track these politicians, hold them to their word, and replace them if they fall into the spending trap.  This is representative government — a republic.

A nation gets the government it deserves, and we deserve better.  Who knows?  Maybe both parties will start to run small-government politicians.  Wouldn’t that be refreshing? 

Jay Davidson is founder and CEO of a commercial bank.  He is a student of the Austrian School of Economics and a dedicated capitalist.  He believes there is a direct connection joining individual right and responsibility, our Constitution, capitalism, and the intent of our Creator.

Image: JSMed via Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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