Remington flees to a free state

The recent judgement for fraud against Donald Trump in a New York City Court, in a dollar amount higher than the GNP of some countries despite no one being defrauded, has revealed something many Americans didn’t know: New York State is driving out its most productive, tax-producing citizens and businesses. What happens to a state that, for leftist political reasons, purposely destroys its tax base? What happens to that self-defunding state when its federal Democrat/socialist/communist (D/s/c/) allies open the borders and send tens, even hundreds, of thousands of illegal immigrants to take advantage of the state’s self-imposed sanctuary?  New York is finding out, and isn’t much liking it.

New England, since before the founding of the republic, was American’s primary gun-producing region.  No longer:

The Remington gun factory nestled in New York’s Mohawk Valley is ready to shutter its doors and move to Georgia after more than 200 years in the Empire State. 

"Two hundred and eight years of history. Gone, gone," Ilion, New York, Mayor John P. Stephens told the New York Times. "Ilion is Remington. Remington is Ilion."

Remington is the nation’s oldest gun manufacturer and told union officials late last year that company chiefs at RemArms, the current version of Remington Arms, made the decision to end its New York manufacturing come March. The remaining operations located in Ilion will move to Georgia, where company leaders say the firearms industry is supported and welcomed. 

Even after the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision, New York D/s/cs, who control every lever of power, have continued to write blatantly unconstitutional anti-liberty/gun laws. Some have been quickly struck down—there are some New York judges who follow the Constitution--but others are working their way to the Supreme Court. D/s/c states do this to inconvenience law-abiding normal Americans, knowing it will take years to strike down their unconstitutional mandates. In the meantime, they can virtue signal, and even bankrupt and imprison Americans daring to exercise their Second Amendment rights.

"When Remington leaves, it’s not going to be like a facility leaving, it’s going to be like part of your family has moved off," Jim Conover, a retired Remington employee who began his career there in 1964, told The Associated Press. 

A furnace operator and technician at the factory, Frank "Rusty" Brown, told the outlet that he and generations of his family worked at the facility and noted he and his wife will be out of jobs. 

"My mom worked there. My dad worked there. My wife works there with me now. My daughter works there with me now. My second daughter works there with me now. And my son-in-law works there," Brown said. "So it’s a double-hit for me and my wife: two of us out of a job."

Graphic: Screenshot, Remington on Twitter (X)

Many gun and accessory makers have fled their traditional New England Homes. Among them, Smith and Wesson moved to Tennessee, Kimber to Alabama, Winchester moved ammunition operation s to Mississippi, Stag Arms and Weatherby have moved to Wyoming.  Remington already has facilities in Arkansas.

The closure of the New York location will result in about 300 people losing their jobs in a town of roughly 7,600. The mayor of Ilion told the Daily Mail that the village is expected to lose $1 million in revenue due to the move, in addition to other local businesses taking a financial hit. 

Like other gun, ammo and accessory makers, Remington’s decision to move is not only financial. The anti-liberty/gun political climate is a major factor.

U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik and state Sen. Mark Walczyk both previously blamed New York’s restrictive gun laws for the move. 

"Hochul must stop her unconstitutional assault on the Second Amendment now," Stefanik said in December, according to the Times Union. 

Walczyk pinned blame on New York’s Gun Industry Liability Law for pushing the company out of the state. The law, which was signed by former Gov. Andrew Cuomo in 2021, allows gun makers to be sued if they "knowingly or recklessly create, maintain or contribute" to violence. 

"We are very excited to come to Georgia, a state that not only welcomes business but enthusiastically supports and welcomes companies in the firearms industry," RemArms CEO Ken D'Arcy said in a statement. "Everyone involved in this process has shown how important business is to the state and how welcoming they are to all business, including the firearms industry."

Remington’s move is part of a continuing trend of necessary and productive businesses moving to blue states that not only support, but embrace business, the Constitution and the rule of law, adding to their manufacturing and tax bases. More and more, red states are producers, while blue states are takers. Remington, setting up shop in a state with a more than willing labor pool, continues the American tradition New York has rejected.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor. 

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