The border: oxygen for US sovereignty

The Biden border catastrophe has created a gaping nationwide leadership vacuum.  For three years, President Biden has refused to enforce immigration and border law.  The so-called “border bill” is a bait-and-switch ruse that will aggravate the problem rather than solve it.  Biden attacks Texas for attempting to defend the border gap, while thousands of illegal migrants continue to stream into our country daily.  In federal court, the Biden administration contests the immunity of Donald Trump for acts in the Oval Office, but insists that border and status violators have practical immunity from Texas judicial process.

Will it ever end?  Millions of law-abiding Americans are ready for reassurance now that a new president will do what must be done to reverse the intentionally manufactured Biden crisis at the border.  Donald Trump is the only American who can credibly provide it.  

A galvanizing moment in the 2016 presidential campaign was candidate Trump’s release of eleven names from whom he would select nominees for the U.S. Supreme Court.  Telegraphing his intentions eight months before the November election inspired American confidence in the quality of his likely picks, and confidence in him.

Now, ten months before national elections, President Trump could reassure and energize concerned Americans watching the destruction of their border in real time.  How?  By announcing decisive steps he would take on his first day in office, pursuant to existing executive authority, to turn the illegal migration tide.  Here are announcements now I would respectfully encourage for Inauguration Day 2025 measures:

1.    Border wall construction, deportations, and the Remain in Mexico program shall be resumed.

2.    Biden administration “prosecutorial discretion” schemes that have erased the border and gutted deportation proceedings shall be revoked.

3.    Effective on Inauguration Day, the U.S. withdraws from the 1967 UN Refugee Protocol and repudiates its fraud-generating “non-return” doctrine.

4.    U.S. Attorneys shall move for dismissal of federal lawsuits against Texas or other states attempting to defend their territory against illegal migration.

5.    Leveraging existing statutory authorities, thirty days after Inauguration Day, the DoD, DHS, and OMB transition teams shall deliver to the president a strategy to free our border and treasury from human traffickers and their U.S. enablers.

6.    The U.S. shall reiterate its right to preemptive self-defense against governments and organizations encouraging, enabling, or ignoring U.S. border violations.

7.    Existing federal judicial settlements and consent decrees undermining border security and presidential authorities shall be deemed repudiated.

8.    No federal district court order pretending to regulate immigration shall be enforced beyond the issuing court’s geographic boundary.

9.    Notwithstanding a claim of fear, passage through a U.S. port of entry shall be denied to a non-citizen lacking a valid U.S. visa.  No visa, no entry.

10.   No person who is unlawfully present in the United States shall be eligible for any category of work authorization, adjustment of status, or inclusion in the eVerify database.

Our nation needs a strong message on immigration, and we need it now.  Donald Trump is the person to deliver it.

The author, a Texas lawyer, is a Navy veteran of submarines and Iraq.  He served in the Pentagon as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Counternarcotics from 2006-2009 and has lived and worked in Mexico.

Image: Public domain.

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