Trump: Enlightenment Now!

Recently, an A.T. contributor wrote about “the mystery of Trump-hate.” Even though he admits to disliking what he perceives as Trump’s personality and moral traits, he is perplexed by the level of hatred toward the 45th and (hopefully) 47th U.S. president.  In fact, despite his reservations and consternation, the author concedes he will probably vote for Trump in 2024.

That’s enlightenment!

Many Trump-supporters appreciate that he’s pugnacious, willing to go all the rounds in the ring against pugilistic progressives.  We respect he’s fighting for us, rather than protecting his brand and reclining in the lap of luxury while reflecting on an eventful life.

We realize that a little irascibility may be forthcoming when confronting dim Dems who dance with demons.

We also realize that a lot of America First passion is required to thwart the alien barbarians at the gate.

Actually, what once appeared to be strident descriptions of illegal aliens invading our beautiful country have been realized: the ungrateful wretches are even getting into punch-ups and shoot-outs with our police, for heaven’s sake.  Trump was right about their un-American loyalties, criminal proclivities, and inhuman barbarity.

For most of those who love America, it’s simply common sense to support Trump.  By contrast, there are those who still sit on the fence.  They generally support his policies but recoil from his supposed rough edges.  I suppose we could gradually goad the timid fence-sitters down, but it’s time to be more forthright — they need to get over themselves.  Now is not the time to virtue-signal to RINOs, or over-indulge their precious little feelings of rectitude.  Take some solace from the article mentioned above.  Then vote for the man who fronts the policies you likely favor.

Every election is described as the most important.  This year’s general election truly is, for our very republic teeters.  The gravity of that surely supersedes silly niceties and considerations of political politeness.  There may be no hope for them Dem haters, but Trump fence-sitters needn’t worry about a new era of retribution (deserved though it may be) upon his re-election.  He is ready to move onward and upward toward the broad, sunlit uplands of enlightened MAGA-land (sunlight being the best disinfectant).

It is said that revenge is a dish best served cold.  Well, perhaps dredging the slimy leftist urchins from the smarmy swamp can proceed hottish, and forthwith.  However, Trump has repeated often enough (it’d be hard to backtrack now) that his revenge will be served with a heaping dose of success.

That’s brilliant!  That’s enlightenment now!

Loony leftists (that’d be all of ’em) can’t stand success, preferring to cultivate despondency and dependency.  They’d rather lead Democrat “victims” to the public trough for a good slurp, rather than to economic opportunity zones.  Any notion of success (South Carolina senator Tim Scott gives an animated presentation enumerating all of Trump’s) will gnaw at their perverted liberal core.

The vibrancy of our great republic may quiver if those who otherwise support MAGA succumb to their precious sense of etiquette and don’t support the main MAGA messenger.  Please, get over yourselves already!  So many brave patriots paid the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.  The least you can do is prove it wasn’t in vain.  Show some enlightenment now.

In his inauguration speech, JFK exhorted Americans to ask themselves what they can do for their country.  Skittish suburban skeptics, here’s what you can do: re-evaluate your parochial perception of propriety.  Rather than selfishly take umbrage in your supercilious sensibilities, put America First.

You may have not fully appreciate Trump’s persona, but elevate your consciousness, for goodness’s sake.  For all of our sakes.  Help the republic endure despite Dem hatred of our successful habits.  Trump: Enlightenment Now!  (Hello, Mr. 47th president, @realdonaldtrump.)

Image via Raw Pixel.

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