Unions have outlived their purpose

Union dominance, resulting in non-competitive wages, followed by the desultory and sloppy work ethic that comes of it, caused America to lose its edge in shipbuilding, and then the auto industry, and now commercial aircraft construction.

If it is Boeing, I ain’t going.

These facts have caused the destruction of great industries, and led to layoffs which have crippled the middle class. 

Until these consequences are rectified, replacement of human labor by robotic technology and AI will accelerate, along with social disruption and the increasing wealth disparity. All of this will continue threatening capitalism.
Ironically, union “bossism;” power, cushy job benefits, and wage disparity has mirrored corporate practices. 
I submit, unions have outlived their purpose just as has lobbying.
In a sense, constitutional protections have, in far too many cases, backfired. 
Resulting distortions have driven workforce conditions beyond any semblance of balance.
Union greed and power has replaced rational demands and an unhealthy manufacturing environment has supplanted common sense.
These various conditions have ballooned as doors fly off planes, auto quality has allowed foreign manufacturers to replace significant domestic sales and America’s reliance upon our adversaries has reached serious national security levels,
Add to this, Joe Biden’s crippling, insane and arrogant border policies and America’s continued decline is a foregone conclusion.
Every presidential election is crucial.
In my lifetime, because of constant wars and civil rights issues, the severity of outcomes has grown. However, none seem as crucial to the survival of our republic as the one in 2024 because of the confluence of external factors by adversaries and loss of control of the voting process.
Add to this, discord caused by a repeat contest between two candidates whom voters find distasteful and you have a true conundrum.
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