What will the left say about Trump’s election trial postponement?

When it comes to news media these days, they like to play things out with a particular tone — painting some people as heroes, while just as casually painting others as villains.

For the longest time, they’ve considered former president Donald Trump a villain.  They pick on his policies, insist he’s been the “mastermind” behind the “insurrection,” and call the FBI invasion on Mar-a-Lago a victory when it was anything but.

But, aha.  They’ve just come across a bit of news that isn’t going to work in their favor.  Now the question is if they’ll state anything about it, or simply try to bury Trump elsewhere.

That news comes in the form of the ongoing election interference case against Trump.  U.S. district judge Tanya Chutkan was supposed to set a trial date, but, for the moment, it’s postponed, pending a decision to be made on the former president’s immunity from the matter.

“The court will set a new schedule if and when the mandate is returned,” Chutkan wrote.

This does allow Trump to focus more on other things surrounding the past few years, as well as his potential push for a Republican nomination to get back into the White House — which I’m perfectly fine with, especially considering the corruption we’ve seen over the past few years.

But, again, you’ll notice that the media likely won’t be partying over this story.  The idea of Trump going through an election interference case would’ve had them frothing at the mouth, looking for any given opportunity to bury the former president that they could get.  “When there’s blood in the water, buy property.”  That’s the old mantra they seem to follow.

With this case, however, it appears that Trump is going to continue to push for his immunity against such charges, insisting that his presidential power would protect him.  Honestly, why wouldn’t it?  Look at the protection that Joe Biden has gotten — and we’re talking about a guy who had top-secret files stored unsecured at his home.  Of course, the FBI didn’t go raiding and taking home boxes from his residence, you’ll notice.

I know that some people simply want to see Trump fry for his supposed actions in the “insurrection,” but there’s a bigger picture at play here.  And the media don’t really want you to see that, going with this whole “it’s fine!” mentality as they continue to paint their portraits of heroes and villains.

With the decision to postpone this case, the media will simply have to dig up their stories elsewhere, something they’ve been prone to do.  Just watch — within a matter of days, they’ll find some new bones to pick in Trump’s life, in the hopes of keeping him off the ballot.

Honestly, I miss the days when news was fair and balanced, when reporters put together their articles based on their instincts rather than their interests.  You can just tell that it’s lost its way, based on the tone of some reports toward Biden compared to other reports against Trump.

They’re entitled to their opinions.  But when they twist around opinions and try to make them come across as facts, there’s a problem.  And the fact is, there’s more to Donald Trump than what they’re putting on the digital page.

So let’s see how the media report this case postponement and the potential results, rather than the speculation that Trump’s just going to be up to something else over the next few days.  The last thing they’re going to do is acknowledge some sort of loss.  Nope — they need to be winners here, while Trump takes the losing side.

Keep a close eye on the way these stories are reported.  You never know where the true heroes and villains might be. 

Michael Letts is the founder, president, and CEO of InVest USA, a national grassroots non-profit organization that is helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs.  He also has over 30 years of law enforcement experience under his belt, hence his pro-police stance for his brothers and sisters in blue.  Officer Letts has been a frequent guest on Fox Business News, NewsMax TV, One America News, and hundreds of radio programs.  Those interested in learning more about Letts can visit his official website.

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