Who bells the Persian cat?

Joe Biden  is now probably unaware that Iran is building nuclear weapons.  If he is aware, he is so demented that he is incapable of doing anything about it.  So who bells the Persian cat?  

Obviously, Israel is the most threatened and can never allow Iran to become a nuclear nation.  Does the Israeli Air Force have the ability?  Certainly they have been training.  Members of the IAF, especially the pilots, are a special breed.  Do they have the weaponry that can penetrate Iran’s nuclear facility’s location?

How may sorties has the IAF flown against Hamas and, as far as I know, without a single accident or loss of equipment or pilots?  Lamentably, we seem to lose Marines flying in helicopters every week.

Obviously, Iran must test and then deliver a nuclear weapon, and that takes time.  Furthermore, the U.N. was never a reliable “tracker,” because Iran determined what U.N. inspectors could and could not investigate.  Now we have learned that UNRWA was in cahoots with Hamas.

Israel is in a pickle because Obama decided that Iran should become a nuclear power, and Biden followed suit.  As always, the world is indifferent until it is too late.

The opportunity window is closing fast.  Yes, I repeat: who bells the Persian cat?

Image: Chickenonline via Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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