Another C-dissection of Democrats

Following last week’s State of the (Dis)Union, another C-dissection of Democrats seems in order.  Yes, my first mid-word letter slashing occurred very recently thereby generating the Demo/rats term, but the vermin have outdone themselves after Thursday night’s rant-a-thon.

The Washington Post Demo/rat propagandists had articles the next day entitled: “Fiery Biden takes on GOP, makes case for second term”; “An amped-up Biden plays the age-old hits”; “‘The Biden campaign staff is probably doing cartwheels’: Nine columnists on the State of the Union”;

and “Biden delivers the message for the moment: Wake up, America”.  Links are not included, since no one with any sense — common, good or non — should be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment unnecessarily.  Plus, just reading the headlines is nauseating enough.  

Fox News then had a nice summary of coverage of the event by other networks’ Demo/rat lobbyists, i.e., make believe journalists.  And, surprise, surprise, their takes were even more ludicrous.  Well, perhaps not more than, “campaign staff … doing cartwheels.”  But the consensus was that Biden had kicked the snot out of the opposition.  Per Abby Phillip at CNN: “He had a lot of moments where he was kind of trolling them” — “them” being the Republicans.  And Nicolle Wallace at MSNBC said, “It was like a punch in the face to every Republican in the room.”  The major networks were similarly impressed, with Ed O’Keefe at CBS proclaiming, “it’s the speech Democrats have been desperately waiting for him to give.”

Hmmm!  Isn’t the purpose of this annual bloviation to delineate the State of the Union, as the title suggests, not a political campaign rally?

And what’s the number one concern of American citizens regarding today’s State of the Union?

The border … illegal immigration!

That’s been pretty consistent in recent polling which would argue it should have been the number one topic of the night.  Well, apparently not when delivering a State of the Disunion address prepared by the White House puppeteers.  The “fiery” (sic) deliverer finally got around to the border about halfway through, which is not a sterling example of focusing on what voters care most about.  But he was the Demo/rat who demolished border security, so burying it in the middle is certainly understandable.

And, in fact, essentially everything that’s wrong in the U.S. or with the U.S., is because of the Demo/rat-in-Chief.  As a result, anything he “woulda, coulda, shoulda” said about the actual State of the Union would have been an indictment regarding the crappy job he has done.  Hence, no such information.

As delivered, the in-name-only SOTU dispensed by the lead, ineffective dodo accomplished little except, perhaps, demonstrating that President “Fiery” could remain conscious for over an hour … something unseen from him most weeks.  Remarkably, the script didn’t put him to sleep and he didn’t wander off into dementia land too frequently.  Nor did he fall over the podium.  So, good news for the Demo/rat party — maybe.  This might keep him in the race when most people in America — legal citizens, at least — believe he should not be the Demo/rat candidate.  Thus, maybe not such good news.

Beyond a C-dissection, what’s still needed is a Demo/rat-dissection from the White House … get all the letters out.  Solution, fellow patriots: Vote in November to make that happen!

R.W. Trewyn earned a PhD after surviving Vietnam combat, and more treacherously, endured 53-years postwar slogging academe’s once hallowed halls.

Image: YouTube video screengrab.

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