Do you smell something burning?

Italy had Emperor Nero, who, as the legend goes, fiddled while Rome burned. We have President Zero, who fiddles on vacations and long naps while the country crashes and burns.

Our military is now a bad social experiment that is weakening more each day. This emboldens Russia and China, who are working on new powerful weapons and stronger, perhaps genetically engineered, soldiers as we offer gender changes and sensitivity classes to our own soldiers.

China, in particular, has surpassed the U.S. in military weapons. It has reverse-engineered, then tweaked, our finest weapons, often via stolen or traitor-sold blueprints, such as for the stealth bomber. It already has hypersonic missiles and an AI-operated drone carrier. Meanwhile, we tackle social problems and weed out the real GI Joes in the military as being too macho, and we run out of ammo.

China has or will soon surpass our nuclear arsenal in both numbers and potency. (It’s believed Russia already has.) It is not bound by any sort of Salt Treaty of the type we continually sign with Russia, which promptly cheats or threatens to cancel while we, good fellows that we are, hold the line. And look out for Iran and North Korea.

Image by AI, with editing using Flames from freeiconspng.

A demented old man who belongs in a rest home or in prison with the rest of his family is currently overseeing the implementation of destructive policies that likely came from the former president living just down the street from the White House. Let me list a few of the smoldering embers: Food shortages, forced vaccinations, leftist teachers, open borders, oligarchs allowed to run rampant, creating artificial clouds to block the sun, artificial meat, providing funding for anti-American groups and organizations, plans to spray vaccines into the air or put in the water supplies, funding subversive judges and district attorneys throughout the land, a two-tiered justice system, propaganda through the nightly news, and sexual child abuse made acceptable or quasi-legal in some states.

Yes, that burning odor you smell is our constitution being destroyed as the country is slowly becoming a socialist third-world in status. Yes, the burning smell is our churches being demolished, our religious beliefs being destroyed, and our family structure being disassembled with the goal that our children will be faithful only to the state.

Money has been printed at an alarming rate, unseen since the Weimar Republic. Prices are rising, skyrocketing to the point a car will soon be a perk only for the elite. Electric cars are a joke, as most manufacturers are now admitting, so there will be no quick fix for non-fossil fuels. Big Brother is watching you and your bank book. Need more than $600? The IRS wants to know why.

The leftist plan is to have a socialist state rise from out of the ashes of our great republic. Even though all such socialist utopias in the past have failed, these folks are so smart that they’re sure this one will be quite successful.

Billionaires are busy building underground shelters costing in the millions. Why?

Wildfires are destroying cattle and grazing ground. Food processing plants and other vital industries are experiencing fires and explosions. Trains carrying chemicals are derailing over waterways. The regime is welcoming millions of unskilled and uneducated military men into the country. Lawfare is directed at the leading opposition candidate of the current pResident [sic] of the White House.

Jailing the opposition leader is a third-world tactic now being used by the current regime, along with trying to bankrupt him and remove him from the ballot. One of the thugs has even admitted that when Trump becomes the nominee (which just happened yesterday), Biden’s Deep State intends to censor his security briefing, hiding key points of their ongoing deception. Accusations from neurotic women are being used to sully his name.

Why is all this happening? Why are we just letting it happen? Are we the next Somalia or Haiti? We already have murder in the streets. Is cannibalism next?

When will American grit come into action? When will those with spines stand up? Or are we now one hundred percent a nation of couch potatoes and keyboard warriors? What happened to the spirit that built this country? Where are the men of steel will and resolve? The frontier cowboys and settlers? Or are we now the sheep that George Washington said will be led to the slaughter? Or, as Ulysses S. Grant said, “There are but two parties now, patriots and traitors.”

Our foes are waiting in the shadows, eager to seize our great land and resources for their own. What will the new name be? The Socialist States of China? The People’s Republic of Russia? If we continue just to watch the flames rise and tolerate the smoke, we will soon find out.

Spencer Essex is a nom de guerre.

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