Dylan Mulvaney and the female experience

Dylan Mulvaney, and every other man pretending to be a woman, have one thing in common.  They all have male DNA. Surgical genital mutilation and injecting synthetic female hormones will never change human chromosomes from one biological sex to the other. Ignoring medical science does not alter the reality.  More importantly, acting out a hyper-feminized persona, publicly parading in female clothing, in addition to fake finger nails, hair extensions, and layers of garish stage makeup is hardly authentic, but nonetheless, transgender women claim the phony window dressing allows them to live their true selves. Maybe it’s time to start asking one simple question: What is the authentic female experience?

Simply stated, men will never be able to experience what being female means because neither their brains, nor their bodies are wired as females. Ask any woman about the female experience and she will tell you forthright. That definition may vary slightly from woman to woman, based on social factors, expectations, culture, or feminine influences, but all females share a bond of commonality which transcends body type, personality, skin color, education/income level, and even age. It’s the innate emotional awareness of the female identity. The male perception of women and acting upon being female is merely an interpretation. After all, how does a man know what it is to be a woman?  What is the basis for his female experience?  The transgendered “woman” interpretation is most always portrayed as an absurd, usually offensive, over-the-top feminized caricature and in some cases, the public persona is lewd and obscene.

Mr. Mulvaney’s recent release of his “Days of Girlhood” music video is an example of a seriously flawed interpretation based on his inability to understand the true female identity. He lacks the basic female experience to draw upon, and shares no intrinsic quality of life as a female.  He wasn’t born a female, nor did he grow up and develop from infancy into an adult woman.  He and all other men who pretend to be female lack the instinctive awareness which authentic females develop over time as they grow and mature. His music video, which has been widely criticized, is a grotesque, poorly produced parody of womanhood. He glorifies stereotyped behaviors which degrade women.  It’s neither entertaining, nor is it funny.  The song lyrics are not only disgusting, the overall theme is insulting, and why Mr. Mulvaney deserves to be ostracized. Continuing to portray himself as a teenage girl in the body of a 27-year-old man is a bizarre fetish and indicates Mr. Mulvaney’s sexual orientation issues are much more complicated than just pretending to be female.

Image from X.

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