Him or Hur?

Special Counsel Robert Hur finally went public with his report on his investigation of Joe Biden and his handling of classified materials. 
I guess that most of you are wondering out loud like me: Who do you believe?  Him (Biden) or Hur (counsel)?
In one part of his investigation, he reported that the president said that he did not share the classified information with the ghostwriter.   
Sorry, he did. 
Well, the transcript shows that Mr. Biden lied or had a bad memory.    
This is from Steven Nelson:
Hur testified that Biden lied at least twice to the public; once when claiming he had not shared classified information with a ghostwriter and again when the president alleged that he had locked up the documents in question — and Hur also revealed that the White House counsel’s office had sought to purge his report of negative assessments of Biden’s mental fitness.
Hur wrote in his bombshell report, released Feb. 8, that he had uncovered evidence that Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials” but found that the 81-year-old should not face charges for hoarding the nation’s secrets over a span of decades on the grounds that jurors would likely see him as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”
The ex-special counsel further stated that Biden made a number of false statements about the investigation at a bellicose Feb. 8 White House press conference following the release of the report, during which Biden, who is seeking a second term in the November election, insisted: “I know what the hell I’m doing.”
So here we are.  Joe Biden, first as senator and then as vice president, had documents he was not supposed to have. 
To make matters worse, we are not sure that these documents were even secured.  At least, former President Trump had them in a room protected by the Secret Service because it is his residence.  Mr. Biden had them in an often unattended garage and his security detail was never told that those boxes in the garage contained some serious papers.    
So who do you believe?   Hur or him?   You can criticize Mr. Hur for not pulling the trigger and giving the old man a pass.   At the same time, he was persuasive in telling us that Mr. Biden was lying or just could not remember.  As for Mr. Biden, he was holding on to documents and sharing them with a ghostwriter for a book.   (By the way, did anyone buy that book?)
So the  public is more confused than ever.  Three people with a document problem have been nominated by the major parties since 2016.  Hillary got a free pass, Joe has bad memory. And Donald is facing indictment.   Wonder why so many think that we have a two-tier justice system?
Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License
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