Is Jill Biden aspiring to be ‘Gucci’ Grace Mugabe?

Throughout the course of human history, political affairs have been governed by the “strike while the iron is hot” adage, and weakness, incompetence, or a “perfect storm” of illness, distraction, confusion or diminishing mental (or military) capacity have always been “hot iron.”

In May of 2000 Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, speaking to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, warned that any “premature” withdrawal from Kosovo would be interpreted (in the Balkans) as a sign of weakness: “We cannot afford that in a region where weakness attracts vultures.”

As some leading Democrats now admit, Joe Biden’s severely diminished cognitive function is on full display, no doubt a sign of American vulnerability, and I fear the vultures of the world are circling.

In years past, politicians removed from office by force have included Julius Caesar, a seriously twisted puppy named Caligula, dictators like Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, and a guy named Mussolini. Informed historians realize that some elected officials, showing signs of dementia, frailness, or mental decline, have actually been removed from office without using a knife, poison, or a D-Day invasion, but through peer pressure, concerned colleagues, friends, family members… and ultimately by the voters.

Most recently, Dianne Feinstein, Mitch McConnell, and several federal judges have been brave enough to admit that, due to age and diminishing cognitive abilities, it was time to hang up their gavel or titles. The major difference between these individuals and Biden though, is that the former did not have their fingers on nuclear launch codes, nor do they have the ability to de facto declare war.

According to the NCIB, the number of elderly heads of state varies greatly according to country, but rulers in the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa have a substantial number of senior citizen politicians (very few of whom have nuclear weapons). The article further describes how some deteriorating heads of state have, as a last-ditch effort, proclaimed their wives to be “substitutes” to avoid facing a medical coup d’état:

In Tunisia president Habib Bourguiba’s dementia became evident, and he fell victim to a medical coup d’état, led by his own prime minister Ben Ali. Later Ben Ali’s failing mental powers were compensated by his wife Laila Trabelsi.

In 2017, at the age of 93, Robert Mugabe from Zimbabwe, was forced to step down due to an (almost instantaneous) impeachment process, with the accusation that he “allowed his wife to usurp constitutional power”.  It’s possible that “chemo brain” fog from Mugabe’s cancer treatments induced dementia or cognitive impairment, which may have been the major reason Mugabe allegedly outsourced political decisions to his wife, “Gucci Grace,” because he was unable to fulfill the “physical and mental” duties required. (Don’t forget, Biden has undergone several surgeries for brain aneurysms he had… in the Eighties.)

Facing impeachment charges including the “inability to perform the functions of the Office” Mugabe resigned, but not before his “luxurious” wife negotiated a pre-resignation deal:

Robert Mugabe and his wife will receive a ‘golden handshake’ worth many millions of dollars as part of a deal negotiated before the resignation of the ageing [sic] autocrat last week. The exact sums to be paid to the former president and his wife Grace are still unclear, though one senior ruling party official with direct knowledge of the agreement said the total would not be less than $10m.

The official said that Mugabe, who has been granted immunity from prosecution and a guarantee that no action will be taken against his family’s extensive business interests, would receive a ‘cash payment of $5m’ immediately, with more paid in coming months.

The 93-year-old’s $150,000 salary will also be paid until his death. The 52-year-old first lady, reviled for her extravagance and greed, will then receive half that amount for the rest of her life.

Not bad for a Marxist dictator… eh?

It is certainly not in my wheelhouse to compare, contrast, or determine whether Biden resembles, in any way, Mugabe or Ben Ali, or whether Jill Tracy Jacobs Biden (PhD Education) has any semblance of the political ambitions held by Laila Trabelsi or “Gucci” Grace Mugabe; but, there are enough examples of cognitive decline and frailty in Biden to warrant an investigation, as well as into the possibility of “elder abuse” by his handlers.

If a beloved family member with dementia forgot to get fully dressed before going outside, most would immediately stop them… and help them put on proper attire. Seeing Joe Biden in the searing spotlight of global conflicts and the blood sport of politics, makes me wish someone, anyone, would keep him from walking around cognitively naked on the world stage—for everyone’s sake.

Do friends and family members have any moral or legal responsibility to treat Joe with human dignity? If they continue to neglect him, what does that mean for the future and security of our country?

Why hasn’t anyone in the “investigative journalism” business asked Jill Biden if she might be “enabling” (or possibly committing) elder abuse?

Maybe the first lady could lay her healing hands on a divided country and, speaking in tongues, deliver a nationally televised press conference on the importance of this topic—I’d suggest that her sage advice be scheduled for Saturday, June 15th, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

Until then, I’ll be cautiously watching the circling vultures.

Image: YouTube video screengrab.

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