Michigan’s AG wants illegal searches of homeschool families

Is the U.S. legal system even guided by the rule of law anymore?  More and more, we are seeing stories that the agencies like the FBI, IRS, and Department of Justice have been weaponized against conservatives.  Liberal prosecutors and district attorneys are no longer even pretending to be unbiased.

Now, public schools have been a bastion for liberal indoctrination for far too long.  Our students don’t learn how to read, multiply, or even think, but they can tell you about climate change, transgenderism, and abortion in great detail, even if they are parroting their teachers’ talking points.

That is why charter school students, homeschool students, and even students whose parents were able to choose the public school to send their students to do better.  Parents choose education.  The education system chooses indoctrination.

Recently, it seems the education system is getting frustrated with not being able to indoctrinate every student in the country.  In Michigan, the state board of education has been discussing the possibility of using warrantless searches against homeschool families in the state.

To their credit, the board of education isn’t on board with the idea...yet.  It was presented by Michigan attorney general Dana Nessel.  “She basically said, we want this list so that we can have unwarranted home entry, without a warrant.  Warrantless home entry into homeschool,” board member Tom McMillin said

Why do they want to do this?  Because the state wants to inspect homeschooling homes.

In our legal system, you need proof that is presented to a judge of a crime happening in a home.  Then the judge will sign off on a warrant that states what law enforcement can search for in the home.  Otherwise, there needs to be some sort of immediate threat to allow a warrantless search.

Neither of these would be the case with homeschooling families.

McMillin said this list is not a record-keeping list.  “It’s gonna go beyond registration,” he said.  “They’re either naïve or they’re being disingenuous for anybody to say all we wanna do is have a list.  It’s gonna go significantly further than that.  They’re gonna either want to know exactly what’s being taught or they’re gonna want entry into the houses.”

The excuse Nessel is using is that the state relies on teachers to spot signs of abuse and report it.  They can’t do that if the child is homeschooled, so the attorney general wants to allow officers to do this illegally.

Even if the officers were to find signs of abuse, they have laid the framework to have the case tossed because of an illegal search.

It is intimidation.  Under threat of arrest, parents will indoctrinate their children the way the Democrats want them indoctrinated, or else Democrats will scare the parents into sending their children to a public school.

It is blatantly illegal, but that no longer seems to concern Democrats.  They are losing the argument of ideas, and rather than cede power, they are going to hold onto it illegally.  It doesn’t matter if Nessel thinks it’s okay.  It’s a violation of the parents’ Fourth Amendment rights, and federal law trumps state law.

At least for now.

 Michael A. Letts is the CEO and Founder of In-VestUSA, a national grassroots non-profit organization helping hundreds of communities provide thousands of bulletproof vests for their police forces through educational, public relations, sponsorship, and fundraising programs.

Image: jarmoluk via Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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