New Biden regulation will make gas cars effectively illegal by 2030

I have a friend who frequently says that, if you control CO2 outputs, you control everything. Let me explain: Every aspect of modern life is dependent on hydrocarbons and, when hydrocarbons are burned for energy, they produce CO2. By demonizing CO2, you demonize hydrocarbons, which means…ta-dah! get to block hydrocarbons and control everything. We’re getting a glimpse of that with Joe Biden’s new energy emission rules, which will effectively make it impossible to build a gas-powered car in a few years, forcing people into costly, dangerous, unreliable, and dirty electric vehicles.

Here’s the report from Fox:

The Biden administration has finalized a slate of highly-anticipated environmental regulations curbing gas-powered vehicle tailpipe emissions as part of its broader efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat global warming.

In a joint announcement Wednesday, the White House and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) unveiled the most aggressive multi-pollutant emission standards ever finalized. While the regulations target gas-powered vehicles, they are explicitly designed to push wider nationwide adoption of electric vehicles (EV) and, according to officials, are expected to ensure nearly 70% of all new car sales are zero-emissions within a few years.

This regulation comes just as Americans are making it increasingly clear that they do not want to buy electric vehicles. Instead, they’re turning to hybrids. This makes perfect sense because electric vehicles are gimmicks at best and cons at worst.

First, unless you live in a region in which electricity is generated solely through wind, sun, or water, the electricity powering those cars comes from hydrocarbons.

Second, they are hugely polluting:

Electric vehicles release more toxic particles into the atmosphere and are worse for the environment than their gas-powered counterparts, according to a resurfaced study.


It found that brakes and tires on EVs release 1,850 times more particle pollution compared to modern tailpipes, which have “efficient” exhaust filters, bringing gas-powered vehicles’ emissions to new lows.

Today, most vehicle-related pollution comes from tire wear.

Third, the mining process for the batteries in electric cars is environmentally destructive, uses child labor, and, in Africa, is often controlled by China.

Fourth, once electric car batteries start to burn, they don’t stop, releasing even more pollutants—and that doesn’t even consider the danger of a car that spontaneously bursts into flames or has raging, uncontrollable fires.

Fifth, the batteries are so costly to replace that, when they wear out, the car often becomes junk, and the batteries end up in polluting graveyards.

Sixth, electric cars don’t work in cold weather, for they drain at warp speed. The latter is a problem because…

Seventh, it takes forever to recharge a battery. You can have gas in your tank in five minutes. But if you’re on a road trip, plan for a 45-minute refill. And if you’re in the middle of a drive and your car runs out of electricity (perhaps because of the cold), you can’t get a gallon of gas. You need a tow. That’s not just inconvenient and expensive; it’s dangerous.

Hybrids, by contrast, make a lot of sense because they essentially recycle the heat energy a gas-powered car generates. That is, through clever engineering, they dramatically boost a car’s fuel efficiency.

Americans aren’t stupid (although a case can be made that leftists have been trained into stupidity), so they’ve figured out that EVs are an expensive con, while hybrids are smart. Indeed, thanks to good engineering, even modern gas-powered cars are minimally polluting, with high mileage and surprisingly low emissions.

It’s unconscionable that the man in the White House should have the power to force Americans to abandon clean, efficient, affordable, reliable, and low-polluting cars in favor of cars that are filthy, inconvenient, dangerous, and expensive. The Founders, who valued individual liberty, would never have tolerated a chief executive who, with the stroke of a pen, can enact regulations that affect at a micro level every American’s safety, convenience, and finances.

It's time for Americans to vote for Trump and a strong Republican Congress that will roll back the laws empowering the EPA and the president to have this tyrannical and wildly destructive level of control over American lives. And no, casting a protest vote against both Biden and Trump is stupid. Don’t do it. Trump needs every vote he can get to overcome the margin of the Democrats’ inevitable cheating, whether vaguely legally, through ballot harvesting and allegedly honest mailed-in ballots or definitely illegally, through purely fraudulent votes (aided by the war on voter ID).

Image by AI.

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