Oh, when will they ever learn?

We hear that a judge in Illinois wants President Trump off the ballot.  This is the story:

A Cook County judge ruled Wednesday that the Illinois State Board of Elections must take former President Trump’s name off the state's March 19 primary ballot but placed her order on hold until Friday to allow an appeal.

Judge Tracie Porter issued her decision after a group of voters trying to remove Trump’s name from the primary ballot over the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol sued to counter the election board's unanimous rejection of its effort. The five voters argued that Trump is ineligible to hold office because he encouraged and did little to stop the Capitol riot and insurrection.

There is that word insurrection again!  I guess that liberal judges think that you are guilty of insurrection even though you have not been accused or convicted of it.

So what happens now?  Well, the Supreme Court will likely reverse Colorado et al., and put the former president back on the ballot.  Also, all of these crazy attacks on #45 will enhance his chances of returning as #47.  I think that it’s fair to say that more and more Americans are tired of what we call “law-fare” or using the government to target a man that you don’t like.

So when will they ever learn?  I don’t know but they keep messing it up.

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Image: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons, unaltered.

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