On cannibalism and sexual deviancy

Have you ever asked yourself if society has gone insane?  You might if you read articles like this one in the New Scientist: “Is it time for a more subtle view on the ultimate taboo: cannibalism?”  That article advocates for the moral legitimacy of humans eating humans.  If you find this morally repugnant, you might just be a racist colonialist white bigot.

Our civilization’s decent into madness is now in moral free fall.  Science has become science fiction, with scientists and doctors telling us that men can have babies, women can have a penis, pedophiles are “minor attracted persons,” and cannibalism is good for you.  Western civilization has been replaced by a Marxist cannibal sex cult bent on committing mass genocide of the human race.

In the last ten years we have seen our education system embrace extreme sex ed curricula based on Queer Theory.  Queer Theory is essentially sexual Marxism.  Marxism desires to eradicate class and cultural social structures, while Queer Theory is a complete rejection of biological sex and traditional families.  It rejects traditional sexual relationships and embraces all forms of sexually depraved fetishes, including pedophilia and vorarephilia (an erotic attraction to cannibalism).

Queer Theory spawned the transgender madness being taught in schools from kindergarten through medical school today.  Hospitals across the country are performing mastectomies on 13-year-old girls and removing the testicles of healthy 15- to 17-year-old boys.  The ultimate goal of Queer Marxism is to destroy the notion of biological sex, pervert sexual relationships, sexually mutilate and sterilize the young to destroy their ability to reproduce, and eliminate the uniqueness of individuals created in the image of God.  In short, Queer Marxists want to create a society of slaves who submit, obey, and conform.

One early public manifestation of this degenerate insanity took control of our culture in 2015, with the start of Drag Queen Story Hours.  It was heralded, promoted, and glorified by progressive leftists across the country.  Out of nowhere it became a fad for public libraries to host sex clown shows for little children.  Giant gyrating men, dressed up like overly sexualized women, told little boys and girls that they could butcher their bodies and magically become the opposite sex.  When concerned parents spoke up against the dark sex shows for children, they were called bigoted terrorists and were treated like violent criminals by local police departments.  Police arrested mothers and pastors yet allowed grown men to do lap dances for toddlers and give sex lube and chest-binders to 12-year-olds.

Socialist-leaning politicians and scientists are now pushing for pedophilia to be recognized and accepted as a sexual identity.  They argue that what they call “Minor Attracted Persons” cannot help having the urge to rape and abuse small children.  Kentucky Democrat Senator Karen Berg recently opposed a bill that would make it a felony to be in possession of a child sex doll.  She argued, “There are what they call ‘MAPS,’ Minor Attracted Persons, and the limited amount of research that’s done on these dolls, guys, suggest that — that these dolls actually decrease their proclivity to go out and attack children, that it actually gives them a release that makes them less likely to go outside of their home.”  Therefore, according to “experts,” we should allow degenerate perverted men to have childlike sex dolls to practice on.

This new look at cannibalism is rooted in perversity just as much as drag, transgenderism, and pedophilia.  The article in the New Scientist is just the latest to normalize the sick behavior that has been in the news for the last several years.  Liberal media outlets such as GQ, The Independent, Cosmopolitan, Rolling Stone, and other mainstream media groups have written articles on sexual cannibalism.  The idea of normalizing cannibalism is just another Marxist ploy intended to debase and demoralize a people.  People who have been denigrated are easier to manipulate, control, and enslave.

America and Western civilization are under attack by a perverse Marxist cult that wants to commit genocide on a traditionally Jewish and Christian civilization.  It wants to pervert, sterilize, and eat our children.  Queer Theory, like Marxism, seeks the death and destruction of the human mind, body, and soul.  The United States of America was founded on Jewish and Christian principles, which reject cannibalism, sexual perversity, sexual mutilation, and cultural degeneracy.

John Adams said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”  Morality and virtue are the foundation of our republic and necessary for a society to be free.”  The only way we as nation will be able to survive is if we wake up from our coma and turn to God.  If we do not, our children will be devoured by evil, and all will be lost.

Image: Eugene Zemlyanskiy via Flickr, CC BY 2.0.

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