The J6 backup plan

Does anyone remember the pipe bombs planted near the DNC and RNC on January 6, 2021, when the Electoral College voted to confirm the BidenDemolitioncrat theft of the 2020 election? Many questions remain about this incident.

1.) Why was Kamala at the DNC building, rather than at the Capitol rejoicing in her Coronation as VP? No explanation ever!

2.) Why were all three security cameras always focused on the DNC building turned away “just in time” to avoid video of the placing of the “bomb”?

3.) Why were Capitol Police dispatches concerning the pipe bomb moved to Channel 3 and remain hidden from the public and Congress?

4.) Why did Secret Service agents and D.C. police mill about the SW side of the DNC building near the “bomb”?

5.) Why were teenagers allowed to walk past the bomb site?

6.) Why were several commuter trains headed to and from Union Station allowed to pass dangerously close to the DNC building while the bomb was in place?

This nonchalance is irreconcilable with the fact that “shrapnel travels at 18,000 to 23,000 feet per second, endangering anyone near the explosion, unless, for some reason, there was no reason to be concerned.” (Epoch Times, March 6-12, P 9A)

When Robinson Crusoe saw footprints in the sand, he knew there was another human on the island. Circumstantial evidence leads to irresistible inferences beyond reasonable doubt on which people have been imprisoned and executed.

The conduct of authorities at the ”bomb scene” leads to the conclusion that everyone involved knew the “bomb” was a hoax. The reason for the “bomb hoax” is as plain as the nose on my face -- a “Back-Up Plan” in the event ANTIFA, BLM, the CIA, and the FBI failed to incite a riot on January 6, 2021.

Image: IDF

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