The public humiliation of Joe Biden

Anyone who’s ever known someone with senile dementia, can see that Joe Biden’s elevator no longer goes to the top floor.

At age 81, with a history of multiple brain aneurysms and surgeries, poor Joe’s literally unravelling before our eyes.

Look at him at his campaign stops. He can barely walk and needs sneaker soles the size of pickleball paddles to stay upright. He can no longer safely navigate the main steps to Air Force One, his handlers instead using a much shorter set of stairs typically reserved for his staff and low-level functionaries.

His mouth hangs open, his pale blue eyes have that heartbreaking look of sheer panic, and he has no idea what to do with his hands, other than to mindlessly extend them in the hope that someone, anyone, will proffer a handshake.

He now frequently gets lost, wandering around event stages and unsure where to stand or exit. He often turns in circles, waiting anxiously for someone to guide him. In a pinch, the Easter Bunny will do.

Most days, his voice is shot. He whispers, coughs, mumbles, and swallows his words. He can no longer speak extemporaneously, much less handle a hostile interviewer or a debate.

To function in public, Biden needs note cards with instructions fit for a middle schooler, or a teleprompter with letters so big you could read them from across a football field. And even then, he struggles to read anything.

Think about that for a moment. The president of the United States is having an increasingly hard time reading the printed word. Soon, he’ll be illiterate.

And in his deepening confusion, Biden mixes up names, dates, and countries, delivering verbal gaffes that would cause a normal person to turn beet red and quickly apologize to his audience.

But poor old Joe doesn’t. He isn’t even aware of what he just said, not to mention that he no longer has the mental processing power to correct himself. He just plows ahead with his verbal meanderings, secure in the knowledge that his handpicked interviewers and small partisan audiences will clap like circus seals no matter what bilge he serves up.

Special Counsel Robert Hur recently opined, in so many words, that Biden had absolutely violated laws pertaining to the handling of classified info, but that no jury would convict such an obviously senile old man.

Based on my experience with patients and loved ones in the throes of dementia, our president will soon be unable to walk or read anything. And it’s only a matter of time before he’s unable to speak, or even handle solid food. Rumor has it he’s already incontinent.

Now, any honest person knows Joe Biden isn’t running anything, he’s merely a figurehead and has been for some time. Some shadowy cabal of persons unknown is running the country, and all the slimy denizens of the Swamp are fine with that.

Still, with an election coming up, it’s critically important that their pretend leader shows some signs of life. Thanks, no doubt, to better living through chemistry, Biden somehow shouted his way through a recent one-hour State of the Union address and remained upright, his pupils the size of saucers.

But whatever stimulant his handlers -- or perhaps the smartest man he knows -- gave him, it must eventually wear off, and then the vacant gaze and drooping mouth return. Just last week, the president walked face-first into a door! Forget four more years, Joe Biden’s time outside an elder care facility is rapidly coming to an end.

Still, the Democrats and Dr. Jill prop him up like a Trojan Horse in blue with a nice tie, a mere vehicle to get them past November and keep the faceless folks now running the show in power. They don’t care what happens to Joe Biden, heck, they don’t care if their pharmaceutical cocktails ultimately kill him, as long he makes it past the election.

The level of cynicism necessary to use and abuse a scared old man at the end of his life is truly breathtaking.

Then again, this is the party that likes to celebrate taking the lives of unborn babies. When you’re fine with terminating almost a million tiny humans annually, what’s one tired old man?

Nothing, really.

Image: U.S. Gov

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