Trump: Revenge is success

The Left have developed “the narrative” that Donald Trump is Hitler and that he will rule as an authoritarian despot in his second term. Which is ironic in that many of the fears that they assert he will impose are projections of actions that the Biden Administration is taking against Donald Trump specifically and the American people more broadly. Lawfare, censorship, gestapo-like raids on the opposition, undermining of our court-system, and most critically, stoking fear in the American populace that their MAGA neighbors are domestic terrorists.

None of Donald Trump’s actions during his first term affirms this falsity, but that isn’t stopping the Left from touting these claims as certainties. The Left is afraid.

They should be, but not because Donald Trump will rule as a dictator, but that his (and our) conservative policies will be successful and are in line with a vast majority of the American people. Conservatism isn’t far-right, but increasingly center-right. The [far] Left have lost they minds, increasingly pushing the boundaries of normalcy in our once-great republican experiment.

Donald Trump and the American people were robbed in 2020, and not just at the ballot box. Pre-COVID, Donald Trump had one of the most successful runs in presidential history -- a booming economy, particularly for the lower and middle classes, women, and persons of color, energy independence, one of the most secure borders in more than a generation, declining violent crime (until the DNC-inspired BLM riots), low inflation, record unemployment, a tougher stance against China and other adversaries, the destruction of ISIS and Al Qaeda, the Abraham Accords, leading to increased peace and stability abroad. No new wars.

Most presidents with such a record would warrant a period following their presidency wherein the people would weigh those measurements against alternative choices that they might have had, and whether or not they wished to continue with said ideas or change course and vote in a different person/party with alternative worldviews.

COVID, election rigging malfeasance and, ahem, irregularities: Zuckerbucks, the Hunter laptop, the Russian disinformation lie, the J6 setup, and the subsequent plethora of media narratives with the suppression of alternative viewpoints as being subversive of our democracy robbed the American people from objectively evaluating Donald Trump’s presidency.

This is what the Democrats truly fear. Not that Trump will be a twenty-first century dictator, but that he’ll be given another chance to govern, and that the people will be exposed (again) to the alternative of their failed ideas.

Donald Trump recently stated on Laura Ingraham’s townhall that:

I don't care about the revenge thing. I know they usually use the word revenge. Will there be revenge? My revenge will be success.  

Democrat ideas have failed on the economy, Afghanistan, the border, crime, our culture, and in foreign affairs. We are worse off, and significantly less safe as a nation than we were four years ago. 

Donald Trump can’t be seen to succeed where Democrats have failed. The fearmongering has only just begun. Expect it to reach fever-pitch by November.

Image: Gage Skidmore

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