When leftists love profiling

New FBI special agents have an important moral and ethical component to their training, culminating in a tour of the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. to see what happens when law enforcement loses sight of what is right.  It was started more than two decades ago by then–FBI director Louis Freeh, and in 2005, Director Robert S. Mueller said the training has never been more relevant. 

“At a time when law enforcement must be aggressive in stopping terror, these classes provide powerful lessons on why we must always protect civil rights and uphold the rule of law,” he said.

The same article had a relevant quote from a new FBI agent participant:

“They did an excellent job of showing how the law enforcement in Nazi society was complicit,” said Lucas, a new special agent, after the program’s conclusion. “It’s important to try to be aware of all the circumstances around you and make sure nothing’s crossing the lines, and remember why we’re really here.”

All of this has fallen on deaf ears.  What we all suspected, but didn’t want to believe, has been confirmed in congressional testimony on a new violation of our constitutional civil rights, with the FBI following in the footsteps of the Gestapo.  What’s even worse is that the far-left predilection for deception is causing some on the pro-freedom right to miss the point.

We’re all aware of the left’s fundamental forms of deception — from garden-variety lies to projection — but one of leftists’ most devious tactics is to constantly have distractions that cause us to miss their exceedingly dangerous endeavors.  A case in point is the infamous Face the Nation video of ATF director Steven Dettelbach on new technology and guns, where the director of the ATF identifies a drum magazine as a “clip,” and their “expert” has difficulty removing the slide from a Glock, along with other frivolities.   

Unfortunately, far too many in the firearm freedom community were distracted by the rookie mistakes made by people who purport to know about firearms technology.  They missed a dangerous and authoritarian admonition from the director, where he said that firearms dealers shouldn’t sell a gun to someone paying cash.

Now, why would the director of the ATF want to stop people from using cash to buy a gun?  Why did he make it sound like someone is committing a crime by paying with cash?  Why did he consider it so important that he would go to great lengths to mention that in an interview with the national socialist media?  You know exactly why: they want to track those purchases.  Now, with the other shoe dropping on profiling, it’s all coming together.

There was a time when the fringe far left railed against profiling, but then again, these are the people who work 24/7 to suppress civil rights, and they still have the cojones to claim to be “liberals,” so it makes perfect sense.  Then, on top of all that, they want the control from a Fourth Amendment workaround so much that they are willing to accede to the possibility of a negative impact on abortion.

FBI whistleblower George Hill prompted the yearlong investigation by testifying that Bank of America, unprompted, gave the feds the names of customers who used their cards in the D.C. area Jan. 5–7, 2021, “overlaid with any firearm purchase at any time,” said Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio.

The feds told financial institutions to search transactions using Merchant Category Codes (MCCs), such as gun-related keywords and firearms retailers Cabela’s and Bass Pro Shop, and the interbank Zelle network for alleged Jan. 6-related keywords such as “MAGA” and purchases like “religious texts” to identify potential “homegrown violent extremism,” the report says.

.@ADFLegal was one of many conservative organizations whose financial records were targeted by the federal government.

Watch ADF's Senior Counsel @Jeremy_Tedesco testify to this Orwellian surveillance being conducted on private citizens and organizations. pic.twitter.com/KNLcb0ql42

— Weaponization Committee (@Weaponization) March 7, 2024

If you’re keeping score at home, note that the fascists of the fringe far left are first and foremost gun-grabbers — they love guns, but only in their hands — but aside from that, the Second Amendment is always in their sights.  Beyond that, they are just trying to shred the Bill of Rights by the numbers, censoring free speech, arresting journalists, and attacking freedom of religion.

Their weaponization of government is just their workaround for the Fourth Amendment.  Unconstitutional “red flag” laws are a combined attack vector for them against the Second and Fifth Amendments, with some others thrown in for good measure.

All of that would be well at home with that party of National Socialism, yet they still try to maintain their big lie that denies the true nature of the “Democratic” party.

D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites.  Find him on Substack.

Image: pasja1000 via Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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